
Simple Login System

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Login System

  1. Create a new file and name it Login
  2. Write a python program that asks a user for a username and password.
  3. If the username is not “admin” and password is not “pwd”, the user should be informed that the credentials are wrong and must be given the opportunity to enter them again.
  4. This must continue until the right credentials have been entered by the user.
  5. When the correct credentials have been entered, the program should inform the user that the correct credentials have been entered.

Summary: In the beginning, I have defined the answers of username and password. After the user input both answers, a while block will check if both answers are correct or not, if either one of them or both is incorrect, the program will keep asking the user to enter answers again. If the answers are correct, a positive result shows.

Self-reflection: Initially, I missed “input” in the while block, and the incorrect message kept looping.