
  • Valerie Lim
  • Parth Vachhani
  • Jeff Mancilla

Feature roadmap - MVP

Recipe Index

  • Displays all recipes

Show page

  • Displays details of all recipes
  • Delete recipe
  • Edit recipe

New recipe

  • Page to create a new recipe
  • Post recipe to /recipes

Stretch goals

  • Comment section
    • Comments are their own objects that have a 1:M rltnship with recipes
  • Rating without commenting
  • Nice CSS


Collaborate together

  • Setup recipe models ✅
  • New recipe✅ Routes ✅
    • GET new recipes
    • POST new recipes Views
    • New recipes ✅ Controller
    • newRecipes ✅
    • create ✅
  • Recipe Index✅ Routes✅
    • GET recipes Views ✅
    • Index recipes Controller✅

Task Assignment Parth

  • Destroy
  • Edit existing functions


  • 1:M


  • Edit/Update