
A Vim-Powered and Roam Research-Inspired Wiki

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Vim-Powered and Roam-Inspired Wiki


Roam Research is a note-taking tool that eschews the typical hierarchical organization structure, and replaces it with an interconnected web of individual pieces of knowledge. In this way, information is organized in the same non-linear way that thoughts are organized in the brain, which is why this organization methodology also goes by names like "mind-mapping" and "second brain".

I wanted to build a Roam-like wiki of my own using the tool with which I am most productive: Vim. There are other great note-taking plugins out there, and my plugin of choice in the past had always been VimWiki. I was inspired by the plugin vim-zettel to build my own plugin that extends VimWiki to build a Roam-style wiki, powered by fzf.vim to quickly navigate notes using ripgrep



vim-roam has been tested on NeoVim >= 0.4.4, though it will likely work on recent versions of both Vim and NeoVim.

If you're not using NeoVim, make sure to add the following to your vimrc, otherwise vim-roam will not work:

set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
syntax on

This plugin is built on top of the VimWiki plugin, and makes heavy use of fzf.vim. You will also need to install ripgrep and ImageMagick to make use of all of vim-roam's features. I also recommend the markdown-preview plugin to easily view your notes in HTML, rendered in real time.

Install the plugins using vim-plug (or whichever other plugin manager you use):

Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki.vim'
Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim'
Plug 'jeffmm/vim-roam'

Using vim-roam

By default, <Leader>ww is used to the index of your wiki. Your index should be thought of a central hub---a branching-off point to begin building your wiki. By default, the index is located at ~/.vim/roam/wiki/index.md. See :h roam_list for changing the wiki defaults.

You can begin building your wiki the following example:

# My Second Brain

- Meta
- Projects
- Reading list

Placing the cursor on Meta and pressing Enter creates a link---Meta becomes [Meta](meta.md), a markdown link. Pressing Enter on a markdown link opens the file meta.md, creating it if necessary. The file will look like the following:

title: meta
date: 20201216

## Backlink: [index](index.md)

Notice that the link back to the note that referenced this one---a backlink---is automatically generated. In fact, all references of the current page can be viewed and their files previewed using the command :RoamBacklinks (mapped to <leader>wb by default).

RoamBacklinks example

Pressing Backspace returns to the previous wiki page, in this case, the backlink index.md. A link can also be constructed from more than one word by visually selecting the words to be linked and press Enter. To try it, visually select Reading list from the index wiki and press Enter.

Often, the best use of vim-roam is for unstructured thinking and recording ideas that can be organized later. To create a new wiki note at any time, use the :RoamNewNote command (mapped to <leader>wn by default). You will be prompted to enter a note title if you so choose (the default is the current date and time in the format YYYYMMDDHHmm), and hit Enter to create and edit the new note.

You can organize the note by connecting it to another note later, either by entering a backlink or by linking to another note. You can find a list of all notes that are not currently traversable from the index wiki using the command :RoamInbox (mapped by default to <leader>wi). The inbox menu also lists defunct links.

RoamInbox example

A link to an existing note can be created quickly by typing [] in quick succession while in insert mode. This will display a list of existing notes, filtered by a fuzzy search, pressing enter on the note generates the link in full, and returns to insert mode.

RoamInsertLink example

You can also link to the current note from a different note by using the command :RoamYankName (mapped to <leader>wy by default) to yank a markdown link to the register, and then paste the link with p.

Links can be also be navigated via fuzzy search by searching all text with :RoamText (<leader>ws), by filename with :RoamFiles (mapped to <leader>wf), or by tags with :RoamTags (defined by any text surrounded by colons, e.g. :meta:, search mapped to <leader>wt).

RoamText example

You can also quickly add links to images that are saved to disk to create reference figures or screenshots that you can refer back to later. The easiest way (tested on Mac OSX using iTerm2) is to place your cursor where you want the image to appear in the note, then simply drag and drop the image into the terminal running Vim, which automatically inserts the image absolute path: /path/to/my_image.jpg (alternatively, you could have typed out the path yourself with the aid of omnicomplete). Visually selecting the full path and pressing Enter automatically copies the image to an images directory in your wiki, resizes and compresses the image using sane defaults (configurable, requires ImageMagick to be installed), and reformats the path to a relative markdown link: ![my_image](images/my_image.jpg). Pressing Enter again on the generated link opens the image in your default image preview app. You can also see the image generated alongside the rest of the content in your wiki by running :MarkdownPreview in the wiki buffer.

RoamMakeImageLink example


  • :help roam-commands -- List all commands.
  • :help roam -- General vim-roam help docs.

Key bindings

You can remap the keybindings yourself after adding the line let g:roam_default_mappings=0 to your vimrc.

  • <Leader>ww -- Open default wiki index file.
  • <Leader>wn -- Create a new roam note.
  • <Leader>ws -- Search wiki text.
  • <Leader>wf -- Search wiki filenames.
  • <Leader>wt -- Search wiki tags (defined as :tag_name:).
  • <Leader>wi -- List unlinked notes and broken links.
  • <Leader>wb -- List backlinks referencing the current note.
  • <Leader>wy -- Yank markdown link to current note.
  • <Leader>wd -- Delete current note (after confirmation).
  • <Leader>wr -- Rename current note (after confirmation).
  • <Enter> -- Follow/create markdown link.
  • <Backspace> -- Go back to parent(previous) note.
  • <Enter> -- (visual, selecting an image link) Create link to a copied image
  • [] -- (insert) Insert link to an existing note, returning to insert mode.

Refer to the complete documentation at :h roam-mappings to see additional bindings.

Reporting issues

If you need to report any bugs, use GitHub issues. Feature requests will also be considered, assuming they are within the scope of the plugin.


MIT License