
XML-RPC example based on Futural ERP (Odoo)

XML-RPC Examples for Futural ERP

Futural ERP is based on the Community version (OCA) of Odoo and most of the examples apply to the core version.

Some of the fields, however, are only found in the Futural ERP or OCA modules.

XML-RPC examples:

  • PHP Ripcord example
  • TBD: PHP phpxmlrpc example
  • TBD: Python xmlrpclib example
  • TBD: Ruby XMLRPC example
  • TBD: Java XmlRpcClient example

Common Odoo XML-RCP info

Official documentation

Odoo XML-RPC documentation:

Search domains

Search domain is an array containing an array of domain rules, that contains array(s) of query conditions

Available domain operators (based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/29443027)

'=', '!=', '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=?',
'=like', '=ilike', 'like', 'not like', 
'ilike', 'not ilike', 'in', 'not in', 'child_of'

Model Examples

Database scheme (v8): http://useopenerp.com/v8

Common models:

Field examples

Fields documentation: https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/reference/orm.html

Common fields:

  • name - displayed name (e.g. partner name, invoice number)
  • partner_id or partner - usually customer or supplier reference. Can be found in most records.
  • company_id or company - to which company the record belongs to. Only relevant in multicompany-instances

Automatic fields (every record has these)

  • id - database id
  • create_date - when record is created
  • create_uid - the user who created the record
  • write_date - when record was last edited
  • write_uid - the user who last edited the record