
ASN and IP List in China (Daily Update)

Primary LanguageRouterOS ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ASN and IP list in China library. UTC 20:00


  • Automatic daily updates
  • Reliable and accurate source

Routeros V7 BGP China_ASN

add script to Routeros

/system script
add name="Update_China_ASN" source={
/log info "Fetching the script from the github."
/tool fetch url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeffok/ASN-China/main/China_ASN.rsc" mode=https dst-path="China_ASN.rsc" check-certificate=yes
:delay 10s;
/log info "Removing existing entries from num-list 'China_ASN'."
/routing filter num-list/remove [find list="China_ASN"]
/log info "Download complete, preparing to import the script."
/import file-name="China_ASN.rsc"
/log info "Script import completed successfully."

add scheduler

/system scheduler
add name="daily_update_Chain_ASN" start-time="04:00:00" interval=1d on-event="Update_China_ASN"

Use in proxy app


# > China ASN List
RULE-SET, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/missuo/ASN-China/main/ASN.China.list, Direct

Quantumult X

# China ASN List
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/missuo/ASN-China/main/ASN.China.list, tag=ChinaASN, force-policy=direct, update-interval=86400, opt-parser=true, enabled=true

Data Source

ASN Information

IP Information

Author's ASN


The ASN name has been officially changed in the Jan 20, 2022 UTC Commit.


ASN-China © Vincent Young, Released under the MIT License.