
Primary LanguageC#GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using Win32Exception = System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception; using System.Management.Automation; //Windows PowerShell namespace using System.Globalization;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.Commands { #region StopProcCommand


/// This class implements the stop-proc cmdlet. /// [Cmdlet(VerbsLifecycle.Stop, "Proc", DefaultParameterSetName = "ProcessId", SupportsShouldProcess = true)] public class StopProcCommand : PSCmdlet { #region Parameters

  /// <summary>
  /// This parameter provides the list of process names on
  /// which the Stop-Proc cmdlet will work.
  /// </summary>
      Position = 0,
      ParameterSetName = "ProcessName",
      Mandatory = true,
      ValueFromPipeline = true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
      HelpMessage = "The name of one or more processes to stop. Wildcards are permitted."
   public string[] Name
       get { return processNames; }
       set { processNames = value; }
   private string[] processNames;

   /// <summary>
   /// This parameter overrides the ShouldContinue call to force
   /// the cmdlet to stop its operation. This parameter should always
   /// be used with caution.
   /// </summary>
   public SwitchParameter Force
       get { return force; }
       set { force = value; }
   private bool force;

   /// <summary>
   /// This parameter indicates that the cmdlet should return
   /// an object to the pipeline after the processing has been
   /// completed.
   /// </summary>
      HelpMessage = "If set the process(es) will be passed to the pipeline after stopped."
   public SwitchParameter PassThru
       get { return passThru; }
       set { passThru = value; }
   private bool passThru;

  /// This parameter provides the list of process identifiers on
  /// which the Stop-Proc cmdlet will work.
      ParameterSetName = "ProcessId",
      Mandatory = true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
      ValueFromPipeline = true
   public int[] Id
       get { return processIds; }
       set { processIds = value; }
   private int[] processIds;

   /// <summary>
   /// This parameter accepts an array of Process objects from the
   /// the pipeline. This object contains the processes to stop.
   /// </summary>
   /// <value>Process objects</value>
       ParameterSetName = "InputObject",
       Mandatory = true,
       ValueFromPipeline = true)]
   public Process[] InputObject
       get { return inputObject; }
       set { inputObject = value; }
   private Process[] inputObject;

   #endregion Parameters

   #region CmdletOverrides

   /// <summary>
   /// The ProcessRecord method does the following for each of the
   /// requested process names:
   /// 1) Check that the process is not a critical process.
   /// 2) Attempt to stop that process.
   /// If no process is requested then nothing occurs.
   /// </summary>
   protected override void ProcessRecord()
       switch (ParameterSetName)
           case "ProcessName":

           case "ProcessId":

           case "InputObject":
               foreach (Process process in inputObject)

               throw new ArgumentException("Bad ParameterSet Name");
       } // switch (ParameterSetName...
   } // ProcessRecord

   #endregion Cmdlet Overrides

   #region Helper Methods

   /// <summary>
   /// Returns all processes with matching names.
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="processName">
   /// The name of the processes to return.
   /// </param>
   /// <param name="allProcesses">An array of all
   /// computer processes.</param>
   /// <returns>An array of matching processes.</returns>
   internal ArrayList SafeGetProcessesByName(string processName,
                            ref ArrayList allProcesses)
       // Create and array to store the matching processes.
       ArrayList matchingProcesses = new ArrayList();

       // Create the wildcard for pattern matching.
       WildcardOptions options = WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase |
       WildcardPattern wildcard = new WildcardPattern(processName, options);

       // Walk all of the machine processes.
       foreach(Process process in allProcesses)
           string processNameToMatch = null;
               processNameToMatch = process.ProcessName;
           catch (Win32Exception e)
               // Remove the process from the list so that it is not
               // checked again.

               string message =
                     String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The process \"{0}\" could not be found",
               WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ProcessNotFound",
                                ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, processName));


           if (!wildcard.IsMatch(processNameToMatch))

       } // foreach(Process...

       return matchingProcesses;
   } // SafeGetProcessesByName

   /// <summary>
   /// Safely stops a named process.  Used as standalone function
   /// to declutter the ProcessRecord method.
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="process">The process to stop.</param>
   private void SafeStopProcess(Process process)
       string processName = null;

           processName = process.ProcessName;
       catch (Win32Exception e)
           WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ProcessNotFound",
                            ErrorCategory.OpenError, processName));


       // Confirm the operation first.
       // This is always false if the WhatIf parameter is specified.
       if (!ShouldProcess(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                "{0} ({1})", processName, process.Id)))

       // Make sure that the user really wants to stop a critical
       // process that can possibly stop the computer.
       bool criticalProcess = criticalProcessNames.Contains(processName.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

       string message = null;
       if (criticalProcess && !force)
           message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                        "The process \"{0}\" is a critical process and should not be stopped. Are you sure you wish to stop the process?",
           // It is possible that the ProcessRecord method is called
           // multiple times when objects are received as inputs from
           // the pipeline. So to retain YesToAll and NoToAll input that
           // the user may enter across multiple calls to this function,
           // they are stored as private members of the cmdlet.
           if (!ShouldContinue(message, "Warning!",
                        ref yesToAll, ref noToAll))
       } // if (criticalProcess...

       // Display a warning message if stopping a critical
       // process.
       if (criticalProcess)
           message =
                            "Stopping the critical process \"{0}\".",
       } // if (criticalProcess...

           // Stop the process.
       catch (Exception e)
           if ((e is Win32Exception) || (e is SystemException) ||
               (e is InvalidOperationException))
               // This process could not be stopped so write
               // a non-terminating error.
               WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "CouldNotStopProcess",

           } // if ((e is...
           else throw;
       } // catch

       // Write a user-level verbose message to the pipeline. These are
       // intended to give the user detailed information on the
       // operations performed by the cmdlet. These messages will
       // appear with the -Verbose option.
       message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                    "Stopped process \"{0}\", pid {1}.",
                                        processName, process.Id);


       // If the PassThru parameter is specified, return the terminated
       // process to the pipeline.
       if (passThru)
           // Write a debug message to the host that can be used
           // when troubleshooting a problem. All debug messages
           // will appear with the -Debug option
           message =
                                "Writing process \"{0}\" to pipeline",
       } // if (passThru..
   } // SafeStopProcess

   /// <summary>
   /// Stop processes based on their names (using the
   /// ParameterSetName as ProcessName)
   /// </summary>
   private void ProcessByName()
       ArrayList allProcesses = null;

       // Get a list of all processes.
           allProcesses = new ArrayList(Process.GetProcesses());
       catch (InvalidOperationException ioe)
           base.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
                ioe, "UnableToAccessProcessList",
                ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null));

       // If a process name is passed to the cmdlet, get
       // the associated processes.
       // Write a nonterminating error for failure to
       // retrieve a process.
       foreach (string name in processNames)
           // The allProcesses array list is passed as a reference because
           // any process whose name cannot be obtained will be removed
           // from the list so that its not compared the next time.
           ArrayList processes =
               SafeGetProcessesByName(name, ref allProcesses);

           // If no processes were found write a non-
           // terminating error.
           if (processes.Count == 0)
               WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                   new Exception("Process not found."),
           } // if (processes...
           // Otherwise terminate all processes in the list.
               foreach (Process process in processes)
               } // foreach (Process...
           } // else
       } // foreach (string...
   } // ProcessByName

   /// <summary>
   /// Stop processes based on their identifiers (using the
   /// ParameterSetName as ProcessIds)
   /// </summary>
   internal void ProcessById()
       foreach (int processId in processIds)
           Process process = null;
               process = Process.GetProcessById(processId);

               // Write a debug message to the host that can be used
               // when troubleshooting a problem. All debug messages
               // will appear with the -Debug option
               string message =
                                    "Acquired process for pid : {0}",
           catch (ArgumentException ae)
                   message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                        "The process id {0} could not be found",
               WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ae, "ProcessIdNotFound",
                                ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, processId));

       } // foreach (int...
   } // ProcessById

   #endregion Helper Methods

   #region Private Data

   private bool yesToAll, noToAll;

   /// <summary>
   /// Partial list of critical processes that should not be
   /// stopped.  Lower case is used for case insensitive matching.
   /// </summary>
   private ArrayList criticalProcessNames = new ArrayList(
      new string[] { "system", "winlogon", "spoolsv", "calc" }

   #endregion Private Data

} // StopProcCommand

#endregion StopProcCommand }