
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ML a11y Assessment Platform

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Narwha11y Introduction

Welcome to Narwha11y (narh-wah-lee), a tool for keeping track of progressive accessibility remediation. To get started, enter a URL, select your team and click Create New Assessment. (Note: The URL doesn't have to be public or even valid, this tool does not do the checking.) This will create a new entry in the database to keep track of your a11y work. Each assessment consists of a filterable list which combines the WCAG 2.0 A-AA and the Macmillan Baseline Accessibility Requirements. So if for instance you only wish to see the dev tasks for BLAR phase 1 you'd check dev, onlyBLAR, and phase1 to see a manageable list of tasks to get started on.


To add more tests to a section, find the section's WCAG key in src/data/customData.js and add another string to end of the respective array

To Do

  • JIRA integration
  • List assessments by team
  • Better filtering
  • Handle concurrent edits

Philosophy: We need a way to track progress on a11y remediation efforts. Instead of just pointing teams to the full WCAG and having them figure it out on their own, which results in many disparate implementations, it would be better to have a centralized tool for assessing the remediation progress. To that end I built Narwha11y, a persistent a11y assessment checklist tool. It combines the WCAG 2.0 AA and the Macmillan Baseline Accessibility Requirements into a filterable persistent checklist so teams can create and update their a11y assessments, going through each phase of the BLAR on their way to accessibility.