
This is a PoC that only setting lombok annotation processor in pluginManagement -> plugin -> maven-compiler-plugin -> configuration is enough.

test scenarios

The maven-compile-plugin is never added directly under build -> plugins, but only its configuration is managed by build -> pluginManagement.

There is the default configuration, which does not add any annotation processor. It shall fail ugly when compiling the project.

And there is the lombok profile. This only adds the lombok annotation processor in the maven-compiler-plugin configuration, it shall work nicely and beatifully.

And also there is the internal-lombok that is equals to lombok profile, but only defined in the module that uses lombok.

This shall fail:

./mvnw clean compile # always keeping it clean, it shall fail
./mvnw clean compile -P lombok # this shall succeed
./mvnw clean compile -P internal-ombok # this shall also succeed

why maven modules? why not simpler?

For some reason that I cannot explain, a simple, non nested layout for maven project got everything compiling. It could even be some mistake of my part.

Creating the modules was a way to check that the compilation would be fine only if the annotation processor is present.