
Sample training course training tracker application using Angular, rxjs, ng-boostrap and ngrx/data

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Training Course Tracker - ngrx and ngrx/data

Angular CLI version 13.2.1.

Technologies included

Angular, rxjs, ngrx, ngrx/data, ng-bootstrap, bootstrap-icons, json-server, json-server-auth, lodash, swimlane/ngx-charts


  1. npm install -g json-server
  2. run "npm run api" to start json-server

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

User Id's and passwords:

  1. joe@joe.com - admin. Password: Test!123
  2. sam@joe.com - user. Password: Test!123