
A free Open Source CDN for webmasters and developers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Open Source CDN jsDelivr


Similar to Google Hosted Libraries jsDelivr is an Open Source CDN that allows developers to host their own projects and anyone to link to our hosted files in their websites.

We offer a stable CDN that can be used in production even on popular websites with huge amounts of traffic. There are no bandwidth limits or premium features and its completely free to use by anybody.

All kinds of files are allowed, including javascript libraries, jQuery plugins, CSS frameworks, fonts and more.

You can use this repo to make your own modifications and improve the contents of jsDelivr's CDN. Feel free to open issues and pull requests if you think something should be added/removed/modified.

All changes made to this repo are synced to the CDN. It can take a few minutes for the changes to appear on the website.

How jsDelivr works - What makes it special

Compare public CDNs

Why jsDelivr?

Performance and Uptime oriented

Our public CDN was built with performance and reliability in mind. Everything is optimized and constantly improved to offer all users maximum speed and uptime. Performance is monitored at all times and we are always looking into new technologies and providers that could improve our CDN even further.

Downtime, timeouts or slow responses are simply not acceptable. The idea is not to simply offer an other public CDN but to do everything possible to offer the best possible experience and a rock-solid product.


Unlike all competition, jsDelivr uses multiple CDN providers which results in best possible uptime and performance.

On top of CDN providers jsDelivr also utilizes custom servers in locations where CDNs dont have points of presence to further optimize the speed of file downloads for users on those locations.

If a CDN goes down, websites that use jsDelivr won't have any issues because all traffic will be instantly redirected to remaining operational providers.

Smart Load Balancing

jsDelivr uses real user performance data also known as RUM to make its routing decisions. This data is gathered from hundreds of websites and is used in our load balancing algorithm to make accurate decisions based on real time performance metrics.

All providers (CDNs+custom servers) are tested millions times per day by real users from all over the world. Based on this information jsDelivr knows what provider is the fastest for each user. Each user gets a unique response that is based on his location, ISP and uptime of all providers in real time.

This system also responds immediately to performance degradation and downtime of providers. If a CDN is under DDOS and their performance drops in some locations, in matter of seconds the algorithm will pick up the change and start serving a different provider to all users affected.

How to submit or update projects:

  1. Fork the jsDelivr repository.
  2. Locally make the changes you want to be synced with the CDN
  3. Send the Pull request with a description of the changes you made following the same structure as the rest of the projects in the repo.
  4. Wait for the approval.
  5. Thats it


Coming soon

File Structure

Under files/ a directory for each project is created. Please follow the instructions bellow.

  1. Lowercase
  2. No special characters or spaces. Allowed: . - _
  3. Only the name of the project
  4. If the project is a plugin of a library append the name of the library. ex: jquery.blurjs, bootstrap.select

In some cases a few exceptions can be made.

A project's directory should contain the following:

  1. info.ini containing all needed information. Example
  2. Directories named after the version of each project.
  • The version directories can contain in their names numbers, letters and -,_ symbols.
  1. Do not create latest version directories. They are automatically created on our side.

A version directory should contain the following:

  1. Static files needed for the project to work.
  2. If there is no minified version of the main js/css file please create your own. Tool (Minify only, no symbol obfuscation. )
  3. If there are official or expected source maps for the minified js, please include those in the folder. Currently, the following projects officially support the .map files:
  • angularjs
  • jQuery
  1. Do not upload useless files like demos, examples, licenses, readmes and any other files not being used in the production.

URL Structure





Version aliasing

For latest version use:


You can also load latest versions per branch:

//cdn.jsdelivr.net/{projectName}/3.8/{file} Latest in 3.8 branch

//cdn.jsdelivr.net/{projectName}/3/{file} Latest in 3 branch

To automatically load the main file of a project use:


Depending on project it will automatically load the main file as configured in info.ini with correct MIME HTTP headers. If no mainfile parameter was specified the url will result in 404 error.

Load multiple files with single HTTP request

Loads mainfile latest version. Only for Javascript!


Loads mainfile latest version for all files and for abaaso loads version 3.8.15


Loads mainfile latest version for all files and for abaaso loads version branch 3.8. In this case = 3.8.16


First 3-4 requests will be slow because they are not cached. After the first 4 requests these dynamic files get cached and become static files same as all others.


jsDelivr has a fully featured API that also supports Google Hosted Libraries and cdnjs



npm jsdelivr

npm module that can be used in your node.js applications

More coming soon

Custom CDN Hosting

If your project does not qualify to be hosted in Github or for any reasons you need direct access to your files then its not a problem. We can offer SFTP access to origin restricted to a single directory managed by the author. This way you will have full control over your files without any of the restrictions of Github and still be able to utilize the full power of jsDelivr.

This kind of custom hosting can be suitable for:

  • Binary hosting. Windows executable files and zips.
  • Frequently updated files.
  • Projects that can't follow jsDelivr file structure.
  • Other...

Simply send an email to jimaek with more information.

jsDelivr is here to help and not to limit. Even if what you need is not listed above feel free to contact us.

Contribute Performance Data

jsDelivr uses real user performance data also known as RUM to make its routing decisions. This data is gathered from hundreds of websites and is used in our load balancing algorithm to make accurate decisions based on real time performance metrics.

This is why we offer the ability to all users to help us out. This data is very important and we encourage all users to participate.

All you have to do is include the following JavaScript code in your website before </body>. This code is then executed each time a user visits your website. It uses his browser to test the latency to our CDN providers and gather performance and availability metrics on each one of them.

These benchmarks are completely transparent to the user and do not impact on browsing in any way. We store the following information:

  • Performance metrics to each of our providers.
  • Availability metrics to each of our providers.
  • Browser’s User-Agent
  • First three octets of the user’s IP address

Our JS code is executed with a 2 seconds delay and tests all of our providers unless interrupted. This testing does not impact on your website performance or user browsing experience.

<script type="text/javascript">
(function(w, d) { var a = function() { var a = d.createElement('script'); a.type = 'text/javascript';
a.async = 'async'; a.src = '//' + ((w.location.protocol === 'https:') ? 's3.amazonaws.com/cdx-radar/' :
'radar.cedexis.com/') + '01-11475-radar10.min.js'; d.body.appendChild(a); };
if (w.addEventListener) { w.addEventListener('load', a, false); }
else if (w.attachEvent) { w.attachEvent('onload', a); }
}(window, document));

Privacy Policy for Data Contribution

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