
Config files for my Solus machine

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


License: MIT License: Apache 2.0 Busy Screen

This repository contains all the dotfiles I use.

List of Software

application launcher → rofi
audio player         → mpc, mpd, ncmpcpp
compositor           → picom
document viewer      → zathura
file manager         → vifm
hotkey daemon        → sxhkd
irc client           → weechat
media player         → mpv
notification daemon  → dunst
shell                → bash
status bar           → polybar
terminal emulator    → rxvt-unicode
terminal multiplexer → tmux
text editor          → nvim
torrent client       → rtorrent
window manager       → bspwm

Code Formatters, Linters, and Language Servers

├─ formatter       → shfmt
└─ linter          → shellcheck

├─ formatter       → clang-format
├─ language-server → clangd
└─ linter          → cppcheck

├─ formatter       → mix-format
├─ language-server → elixir-ls
└─ linter          → credo

├─ formatter       → gofmt
└─ language-server → gopls

└─ formatter       → clang-format

├─ formatter       → prettier
├─ language-server → typescript-language-server
└─ linter          → eslint

├─ formatter       → black
├─ language-server → pyright
└─ linter          → autopep, flake8, pylint

├─ formatter       → rustfmt
├─ language-server → rust-analyzer
└─ linter          → clippy

Configuration files are found in misc/.


A full list of dependencies and installed software will appear in install.log when using the included bash scripts. Alternatively, you can check config.yaml to see the dependencies by package.


With included bash scripts

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/jeffrey-xiao/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
git submodule update --init --depth=1

Any errors with the installation will appear in install.log.

With dotinstall

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/jeffrey-xiao/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
git submodule update --init --depth=1
pip3 install dotinstall

Color Scheme

The color scheme used is solarized-dark and the 16 system colors are set using .Xresources. All configuration files directly use these 16 colors. dircolors specifies these colors using 3-bit ANSI escape codes.

Personal Configuration


dotfiles is dual-licensed under the terms of either the MIT License or the Apache License (Version 2.0).

See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for more details.