_coffeeWifi aims to solve the studious student's dilemma of not being able to find the RIGHT space to do WORK
Finding workspaces suitable for your needs as a student is a prevalent issue contributing to the lowered work productivity rate in today's youth. We aim to solve this by DOING the checking before the user ever steps out their door.
- Implement mobile version
- Implement search and filtering of workspaces based on user specified criteria
- Implement user reviews
- Workspace suggestions
- Predicting optimal work times
- Online ordering of coffee
- In conjuction with utilizing the specific libraries to help achieve our MVPs
- Gather as much relevant data for each workspace throught various APIs.
- Google Places API, Yelp API, Internet Speed API
- _coffeeWifi will eventually be reliant on user input so setting up the infrastructure within our app for future accommodation will be a challenge
Implement map loading with custom pins relevant to what the user searched
Implement clean transitions to contribute to overall UX
- API endpoints hosted on heroku with connection to our MongoDB database
- The backend will make a request to multiple APIs to fetch relevant data
- User location will be needed to know where to initially load the map view
- Order Menu Layout
- Familiarize ourselves with each piece of the MERN stack enough to get things running
- Set up API endpoints for user auth on heroku
- Set up OAuth for user login
- Set up redux pattern
- Integrate map view on react-native
- Located API/Website to scrape data for coffee shops/workspaces http://www.factual.com/data/t/places#filters={"$and":[{"country":{"$eq":"US"}},{"region":{"$eq":"CA"}},{"locality":{"$eq":"SAN+FRANCISCO"}}]}&q=coffee+shops
- Registered for foursquare API
- Registered for google places API
- Google radar api could be a source of info as well
- Setup iOS app skeleton structure
- Integrate OAuth
- Setup persistant login via keychain
- Setup Mongo and Mongoose DB
- Finish project proposal/readme/wireframes
- Get maps working and displaying.
- Get live location data working.
- Connect DB and have dummy data returning via user SID provided by OAuth.
- Determine data source and begin scraping/API integration
- Determine storage schema for location data
- Get dummy data populating on map view.
- Get tooltips working on map view
- Implement navigation
- Polish styling and UX
- Finish navigation Implementation
- Start production readme
- Finish production readme
- Polish UI/UX for iOS app
- Get Android app
- Finalize Demo site
- Get app hosted on appstore