
A server to support updating the RSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A server to update RSS for the user

##Techniques Applied Node.js, Mongodb

##Tags node.js, mongodb, socket, RSS, server, authentication security, net(nodejs module), crypto(nodejs module), push notification

##Very Brief Introduction

  • The server is implemented with socket in Node.js
  • It queries the database(MongoDB) running on another instance
  • Log in authentication is provided
  • Push notification can be enabled
  • Interval for the server to check for updates can be auto-adjusted. You are encouraged to provide a more advanced algorithm to dynamically adjust the interval
  • Some modules for testing are also available in the folder "testModule", which may be good as a reference for you to develop this server, as well as clients related to this (The modules are implemented in node.js, though, but I think it could still be a hint for you to implement in another language/framework)
  • Any questions/suggestions/modifications are welcome
  • :) Thank you!

##Quick Navigation Before You Begin... --- Authentication --- RSS Update --- Push Notification & Dynamic Interval Adjusting --- How to Implement Clients

##More... ###Before You Begin...

  • You may need two instances, with one running the server, and another one running MongoDB
  • This project is tested on Amazon EC2 cloud platform
  • The project assumes that the database is organized as:
    • Name of the database: news
    • Collections:
      • users: authentication information of all users
      • favs: favorite RSS list of all users
      • userConfig: Configuration of an user
    • Fields in 'users':
      • userName
      • password(hashed)
      • salt
    • Fields in 'favs':
      • userName
      • url(the url of a RSS source)
      • name(customized name for this RSS)
      • lastModified(for the 'If-Modified-Since' header to use to check if there is update)
      • md5(MD5 of the content for comparison, usually used when the 'If-Modified-Since' header is not available)
      • lastChecked
    • Fields in 'userConfig':
      • userName
      • push(boolean, indicate if the push notification has been turned on/off)


  • The authentication is implemented with the 'crypto' module
  • Salt is used to hash the password. So in the data base, user information is stored as: userName, password(hashed) and salt
  • When the client logs in, the server will generate a token and give this token for the client to encrypt the password. The server will then decrypt it and hash the plain password with the salt and compare with the one in data base.
  • Techniques here:
    • Password hashing: pbkdf2, with 1500 iterations and 128-bit salt. Hash length: 256 bits
    • Password encryption: AES-256, with 128-bit strong randomKey(the token)

###RSS Update

  • The build-in node.js http module is applied to send GET request to the RSS source
  • Each request contains the header 'If-Modified-Since' for version comparison use
  • For those RSS source that does not support 'last-modified' header, its content will be hashed with MD5
  • Two external modules: bufferhelper and icon-lite are used for character encodings conversion of the RSS content

###Push Notification & Dynamic interval adjusting

  • The server can check for updates periodically and push the update to client if the update is available
  • The period for the server to check updates is different for each RSS item. The period can be auto-adjusted based on how often the RSS is updated by the source
  • The current algorithm for dynamic interval adjusting is pretty simple. It is developed just based on my feelings:
    • Compare the last-modifed time
    • If it is modifed within 30 minutes, set the checking interval to 1 minute
    • Set the interval to 5 mins for the modified interval 30 min ~ 1 h
    • Then 15 mins for 1 ~ 6 h, 1 h for 6 ~ 24 h, 2 h for more than a day
    • Check the autoInterval.js file for the code
  • You are encouraged to develop a more advaned algorithm to adjust the interval.

###How to Implement Clients

  • Examples of client-side implementation are in '/testModule'

  • Socket is used for connection

  • Message is in the format of JSON strings. The JSON object contains two feilds:

    • msgType: the type of the message. It must be one of the strings specified in the contant.js file
    • content: the content of the message. Its type depends on what kind the request is. Please see below for detail
  • Login:

    1. After successfully connecting to the server, the client should be ready to accept the token from the server. The message from the server:
      msgType: constant.token
      content: the token string encoded in base64
    2. Encrypt the password input from the user with the given token. AES-256 should be used for the encryption. The encrypted password should be encoded in base64 as well. Then send the encrypted password to the server with:
      msgType: constant.login
      content: an object with two keys: userName and password
    3. Accept the login result from the server:
      msgType: constant.login
      content: a boolean: true if succeed, false if fail
  • Ask for updates:

    1. The client can ask for the updates with the message in the format of:
      msgType: constant.update
      content (optional): an object with the key: urls with the corresponding value: an array list that has the urls of those RSS you need to have updates of. If the array list is empty, the server will update all the RSS stored in the database
    2. Response:
      msgType: constant.update
      content: an object with the keys: name (the customized name given by the user for a RSS), url, content (the updated content, will be empty if there is no update for this RSS item), lastChecked (the last-checked time stamp in GMT)
  • Modify the favourite list:

    • Add, modify or remove one or multiple RSS to/from the database is allowed
    • msgType: constant.add for adding new RSS to the list, constant.modify for modifying existing RSS in the list, and constant.remove for removing existing RSS from the list
    • content: an array list of objects. The object could be formatted as:
      • For adding & modifying: with key url and name
      • For removing: with key url
    • Response from the server will have the msgType the same to the requesting message type. The content is an object containing
      1. result, a boolean indicating if the request is successfully proceeded, and
      2. errorMsg, a string to show the error message if the result is fault. It is an empty string if the result is true.
  • Enable/Disable Push Notification:

    • Client can turn on/off push notification
    • msgType: constant.push
    • content: boolean, true or false to turn on/off
  • Logout:

    • For now, just simply close the socket of the client to end the connection
    • More features of logout handling might be added in the future