
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Using Google Bard's API w/Node

Medium Article: https://jeffreyflynt02.medium.com/using-google-bards-api-w-node-421c100a63d2


  • Node v18
  • node-fetch
  • dotenv


Run npm install


Create a .env file in the root directory and add Secure1PSID & AT_KEY.

Go to: https://bard.google.com and open DevTools, Go to Application → Cookies → __Secure-1PSID and copy that value and use it for the Secure1PSID env variable.

For the AT_KEY variable, go to Network → Select XHR → make a sample request in the browser (while devtools is open), click on the request and then click the request and click the Payload tab, and copy that value to AT_KEY. In my testing, this value stays the same.


Replace the "" with your prompt at the top in main.js in the PROMPT variable.

In the command line, enter: node main.js