
Channel-local immutable documentation in Slack

Primary LanguageRuby


Motivation & Explanation

Using this article on Etsy's experimentation with immutable documentation as heavy inspiration, this FYI slackbot is meant as an implementation to what is described in the article.

As a tl;dr, FYI is a bot which enables channel-local immutable documentation in Slack.

As a caveat, this bot does provide a way to delete documentation. This functionality is not meant to be used to remove old documentation, it is simply meant as a safeguard against mistakenly marking something as documentation through reacting to a message with the fyi emoji.

Application Configuration

This project is meant to be a base implementation which can be used as a stepping stone to be deployed and integrated into different company infrastructures.


The QueryDocumentationResponse class, responsible for grabbing responses for a query and returning them in a formatted list to the user, searches via a naive "documentation_text LIKE <query>". In a production environment, this may not be optimal depending on the usecase.


In order to communicate with Slack, this bot stores its secrets via ejson.

Slack Configuration


There are a few secrets the this application needs to know about in order to function.

This application uses ejson in combination with ejson-rails to inject secrets.

To configure the application's required secrets, create config/secrets.json (or config/{{environment}}.secrets.json) and place the following information inside it:

  "slack": {
    "bot_token": "{{YOUR_BOT_TOKEN}}",
    "signing_secret": "{{YOUR_SIGNING_SECRET}}"

The bot_token can be found in the OAuth & Permissions tab once the app is installed to a workspace.

The signing_secret can be found in the Basic Information tab.

OAuth & Permissions

The following Bot Token Scopes must be enabled on your FYI slack bot app:

  • channels:history to allow FYI to view channel messages
  • channels:read to allow FYI to get basic information about channels
  • chat:write to allow FYI to write messages to a channel
  • reactions:read to allow FYI to see when someone reacts to a message
  • reactions:write to allow FYI to react to a message
  • users:read to allow FYI to see what user is writing a given message

Event Subscriptions

In order to allow the slack app to subscribe to events at all, we must configure the webhook URL. This URL should be set to the /api/remote_events/slack endpoint.

This bot must subscribe to the following events:

  • message.channels to allow FYI to be notified when a user posts a message in a channel
  • reaction_added to allow FYI to be notified when a user reacts to a message in a channel
  • reaction_removed to allow FYI to be notified when a user removes a reaction to a message in a channel


The FYI bot uses three emojis to do its work: the :fyi: emoji, the :fyi-saved: emoji, and the :fyi-error: emoji. These two emojis should be created in the workspace which this bot is installed to.

The names of these emojis can be configured in the application.rb file.

Default assets to create these emojis can be found in /assets.