Name of Team : Fabulous Coders

Members :

1. First Name : Jeffrey
   Last Name : Jiang
   York Email :
   Lecture Section : N
   Lab Section : 2

2. First Name : Prabhjot
   Last Name : Dhaliwal
   York Email :
   Lecture Section : N
   Lab Section : 2

3. First Name : Naman 
   Last Name : Rai
   York Email :
   Lecture Section : N
   Lab Section : 3

4. First Name : Karnveer
   Last Name : Ubhi
   York Email :
   Lecture Section : N
   Lab Section : 4

Project Title : Number Guesser

Project Description :

Users are prompted to enter a number x and then guess a number between 1 and x. The app includes 2 game modes, one where the user inputs the number of tries they get, and another where they keep guessing until they get it wrong. The user is going to be able to adjust the difficulty by increase the range of numbers to guess. Other inclusions into this project include a password system where users can make a local account and login to save their scores. In addition, the app will include a widget section in the menu, where we plan to include multiple “side apps” which include information such as weather, or COVID-19 stats. Another feature is you can set a profile picture for your account. The game is going to be single player only, and there will be a local leaderboard.

Requirements Definition :

- Users can view a leaderboard (local leaderboard unless we learn servers in this course)
- Users can sign in or play as a guest, accounts stored locally in a text file
- Users will be prompted to select a game mode (Sudden Death Mode vs Health) 
- Random number generator, flexible and able to change range of numbers easily
- User input for range of numbers (numbers only)
- User input for answer (also numbers only)
- User profile customization (name, photo, etc)
- Users can sign in using a google account (maybe)
- Embedded covid-19 stats app
- When the user inputs an invalid value it shows a relative error popup (negative, out of range, etc.)
- End screen when the player loses, play again or main menu
- If a user ends up on the leaderboard as a guest, they can enter a name
- Everytime a user needs to enter a number, open a plaintext but only let the user enter numbers

Wireframes :

image image image image image
