- kubectl: Be able to run against a kubernetes cluster
cd into the 1-operator directory and run: ./init-environment. RUN: watch kubectl -n mongodb get pods. Wait for the operator to fully start and STATUS reports Running.
cd into the 2-ops-manager directory and run: ./init-environment. RUN: watch kubectl -n mongodb get pods. Wait for the ops-manager pods to report Running status RUN: kubectl -n mongodb get om. Wait for APPDB and OPSMANAGER status to be Running.
Run kubectl port-forward ops-manager-0 8080 Then connect via a browser: http://localhost:8080 login: admin / Password123!
Navigate to the Access Manager -> Settings area and copy the organization ID. -
cd into the 3-mongodb directory and run: ./init-environment. Paste the org id into: 3-mongodb/dev/kustomization.yaml file where orgId=.
From within 3-mongodb run: ./init-environment. Watch the kubectl -n mongodb get pods and please note the "my-standalone-0" pod attempting to start.
The problem is that the "my-standalone-0" pod doesn't go beyond Init status.
What is issue with starting mongodb pods?