- Set up Apollo Client
- Set up Apollo Cache
- Set up global styles
- User login
- User sign up
- User can:
- Submit quote
- Edit submitted quote
- Like a quote
- Delete a quote
- View quotes liked
- View quotes submitted
- Restrict editting, deleting and submitting to authorised users
- Subscription
- Subscribe to new quotes
- Subscribe to new likes
- View feed of quotes
- View feed of quotes by tag
- View individual quote
- Set up routing
- Set up dark theme
- Set up light theme
- Set up Docker
- Responsive Design
- Password reset
- Deploy
- Set up Apollo Server + Express
- Set up Mongo DB connection
- Create Mongoose models
- Define GraphQL schema
- Set up JWT authentication
- Create seed file and function
- Set up to store JWT in Cookies
- Mutations
- Quotes
- Create quote
- Create slug for when quote is being created to allow sharing on client
- Set up Cloudinary to allow image uploads when creating quotes
- Update quote
- Delete quote
- Like a quote
- Unlike a quote
- Create quote
- User
- Create user
- Login
- Quotes
- Queries
- Feed
- Feed by Tag
- User information including quotes liked and quotes submitted
- Set up cursor-based pagination
- Subscription
- Subscribe to new quotes
- Subscribe to new likes
- Set up Docker
- Password reset
- Deploy