
import GitHub issues as stories in Clubhouse

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Code Climate GPA Code Climate Issue Count Test Coverage

Import GitHub issues as stories in Clubhouse.

This module functions both as a library as well as a command-line tool.

Getting Started

  1. Install the module in your project, or globally:
  $ npm install --save github-clubhouse
  $ # ... OR ...
  $ npm install -g github-clubhouse

Using the Command-line Interface (CLI)

  1. Learn about how to use the CLI:
    gh2ch.js [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                     display this help message
    -n, --dry-run                  test run, do not import
    -s, --save-config              save configuration into ~/.github-clubhouse
    --issue=NUMBER                 GitHub issue number
    --query=QUERY                  GitHub issue query
                                       e.g. "state:closed created:>2017"
    --github-token=TOKEN           your GitHub API token
    --clubhouse-token=TOKEN        your Clubhouse API token
    --github-project=REPO/PROJECT  your GitHub repo/project name
    --clubhouse-project=PROJECT    your Clubhouse project name
    --user-map=JSON-USER_MAP       json object of gh-user:clubhouse-user mappings
                                       use "*" for default
                                       e.g. '{"my_gh_id":"my_ch_id", "*":"default_id"}'

  $ ch2gh --help

    -h, --help                 display this help message
    -s, --save-config          save configuration into ~/.github-clubhouse
    --github-token=TOKEN       your GitHub API token
    --clubhouse-token=TOKEN    your Clubhouse API token
  1. Import from GitHub into Clubhouse:
   # a single issue
   $ gh2ch.js --github-project <owner>/<repo> --clubhouse-project testing --issue 2950
   # multiple issues
   $ gh2ch.js --github-project <owner>/<repo> --clubhouse-project testing --query "state:open label:bug"
  1. Export a story from Clubhouse to GitHub:
   $ ch2gh --save-config --github-token <GH-TOKEN> --clubhouse-token <CH-TOKEN> 234 https://github.com/myorg/myrepo


You can avoid having to type long API tokens by creating a ~/.github-clubhouse file. The easiest way to create the file is to pass the -s / --save-config option along with your tokens the first time you run the command. However, the file is in JSON format, so you can edit it by hand or pre-create it yourself if you so choose. For example:

  "githubToken": "aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccddddddddeeeeeeee",
  "clubhouseToken": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"


The library exports:


Returns: (Promise for Object): the story data as created


  • options (Object):
    • githubToken (String): the GitHub API token
    • clubhouseToken (String): the Clubhouse API token
    • githubRepo (String): the GitHub repository (owner/repo)
    • clubhouseProject (String): the Clubhouse project name into which to import the issue


Returns: (Promise for Object): the issue data as created


  • clubhouseStoryId (Number): the Clubhouse story ID
  • githubRepoURL (String): the repository URL on GitHub where the issue should be created
  • options (Object):
    • githubToken (String): the GitHub API token
    • clubhouseToken (String): the Clubhouse API token


Read the instructions for contributing.

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Get your NPM_AUTH_TOKEN from https://npmjs.com and export it in your shell.

  3. Run the setup tasks:

     $ npm install
     $ npm test


See the LICENSE file.