
Frontend Chinese and English Dictionary framework. Support dynamic loading by splitting a big dictionary file into hundreds of small chunks, offline download available.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ToneOZ Dictionary 動態載入的前端中英字典

ToneOZDic is a Chinese and English Dictionary frontend framework. Support dynamic loading by splitting a big dictionary file into hundreds of small chunks. Offline download mode is available. Free for commercial use. This project includes a Javascript Dictionary UI and a Google Script Dictionary Creator.

澳聲通字典 是一個可動態載入的完全前端架構中英字典框架, 提供切割工具將一個巨大的字典檔案分切成數百個小檔案, 能使用最少頻寬提供動態載入, 也可離線使用。 免費商用(MIT開源授權)。 本專案包含Javascript字典介面及Google Script字典檔生成器。



Hightlight features 特色

  • Pure frontend processing. No backend required.

    無需後端資料庫, 完全前端Javascript處理

  • Optimized for low bandwidth usage. ToneOZDic gets data from a group of small Javascript JSON files, which are splitted from the original single big (>7MB) dictionary file. Each ToneOZDic file is around 50KB. Each online query only download a few required ToneOZDic files.

    傳輸量小, 使用時不用一次下載全部字典資料. ToneOZDic將一個巨大字典切割成數百個小檔案, 每個檔案僅數十KB, 線上使用時每次查詢時只會下載必要的檔案

  • Support offline mode. Users can download all files to their PC and use any browser to open the ToneOZDic. Developers can also embed the ToneOZDic into any Apps

    可離線使用。可將所有檔案全部下載後,用任何瀏覽器開啟本機html使用, 也可內嵌到App應用。

  • Support multiple phrases and words in a single query. 可在單次查詢中包含多個詞與字。例如:在一個查詢頁面中同時列出三個詞的解釋:「和平」,「和」,及「平」。

  • Open Source and Free for commercial use. MIT License.

    開源免費商用, (MIT授權條款)

Library dependencies

  • jquery.min.js : jQuery

Files description

  • dic_creator/ToneOZDic.gs : Google app script for Google spreadsheet

  • dic_creator/TZDicCreator_example.xlsx : example input for ToneOZDic.gs


  • tzdata/ : All dictionary files 字典檔存放資料夾

  • web/demo.html : HTML UI for end user to access the dictionary

    HTML介面, 一般使用者開啟此檔來使用字典

  • tzdic/tzdicui.js : Main ToneOZDic Javascript for demo.html


  • tzdic/tzdic.html :

  • tzdic/tzlib/tzdicentry.js : HTML UI for single dictionary query

    HTML介面, 負責單一查詢

How to install 如何安裝

Include the Main ToneOZDic Javascript in your page

<script src="tzdic/tzdicui.js" charset="utf-8" /></script>

Init the ToneOZDic on document ready

$(document).ready(function () {	
	// Init ToneOZDic
	let tzDicUI = new TZDicUI();
	let tzDicObjs = tzDicUI.init();
	// Set results display position
		, top: "10px"
		, right: "10px"
		, width: "45%"
		, height: "90%"
		, "background-color" :"#000"

Usage Quick Guide 快速使用說明

  • Query any selected text 查詢任何滑鼠選取的文字

  • Use your mouse to select any string on your webpage. The dictionary query result will be displayed at the right.

    用滑鼠選取網頁上的任意字串, 字典查詢結果會顯示在右方。

  • In an editable input, click or select anything to query the character or the string from the cursor

    點選可輸入的區域時, 會自動查詢游標所在的文字, 也支援選取查詢。

  • The default demo dictionary file contains only few words. Please refer to the Google Script Dictionary Creator Usage to get a complete dictionay file.

    本專案隨付的示範字典檔僅包含"宣聲和樂"四個字. 請參考以下的 字典檔製作說明 來獲取完整字典。

Google Script Dictionary Creator 字典檔生成器

Convert the original dictionary file (Excel format) provided by the Ministry of Education (教育部) to ToneOZDic files (Javascript JSON format)

將「教育部國語辭典公眾授權網」提供的字典檔(Excel表格格式), 轉換為ToneOZDic的字典檔(碎片化Javascript JSON格式)
Source : 教育部國語辭典公眾授權網 https://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/Files/site_content/M0001/respub/index.html

Usage : Dictionary File Creator TZDicCreator.gs 字典檔生成器使用說明

Step 1.

Download the original dictionary file from the Ministry of Education website (https://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/Files/site_content/M0001/respub/index.html). We recommand to use the 「國語辭典簡編本」. click the 「資料下載」 to download

到「教育部國語辭典公眾授權網」下載Excel字典檔. 我們建議使用「國語辭典簡編本」, 點選「資料下載」 教育部國語辭典公眾授權網 https://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/Files/site_content/M0001/respub/index.html

Step 2.

Make sure there are at least 3 columns in the original dictionary file, and their contents are:
請確認字典檔中至少有三個列, 這三個列的內容分別為:

  • Word字詞
  • Desc1解釋一(注音)
  • Desc2解釋二



和服	ㄏㄜˊ ㄈㄨˊ	"日本的傳統服裝。長衣、前襟交疊,腰部綁以寬帶。 &9b51._104_0.gif;現在的日本人只有在較正式的傳統禮儀場合才穿著和服了。 ◎"<p>
和樂	ㄏㄜˊ ㄌㄜˋ	"安和快樂。&9b51._104_0.gif;本公司員工彼此和樂相處,情如一家人。"<p>

Step 3.

Import the original dictionary file into Google Spreadsheet, rename the sheet to "input"

將原始Excel字典檔匯入 Google Spreadsheet, 將資料表sheet 名稱改為 "input"


Step 4.

Copy and pasted the dic_creator/TZDicCreator.gs into the Google Spreadsheet Script by

將本專案中的 dic_creator/TZDicCreator.gs 拷貝貼上到 Script Editor

  • In Google Spreadsheet, Select "Tools" -> "Script Editor"

    在 Google Spreadsheet, 點選 "Tools" -> "Script Editor"


  • Rename the default script file "Code" to "TZDicCreator"

    將 default script file "Code" 改名為 "TZDicCreator"

  • copy and paste the TZDicCreator.gs into it

    拷貝貼上整個 TZDicCreator.gs


Step 5.

Review and modify the CONFIG in begin of ToneOZDic.gs . Please refer the the comments inline

依需要調整ToneOZDic.gs開頭的參數,請參照註解中的說明. e.g.: 建議調整這些參數:

// begin CONFIG 參數 /////////////////////////
const strVer = "20210607"; // Version Control
// specify the column order mapping to the 3 fields in ToneOZDic
// In ToneOZDic we have 3 fields : WORD, DESC1, DESC2
// e.g.: 國語辭典簡編本 has 4 columns : 0字詞名,1注音一式,2釋義,3多音參見訊息
// source : https://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/Files/site_content/M0001/respub/index.html
const MOE_COLUMN_WORD = 0;        // the column 0字詞名 maps to field WORD
const MOE_COLUMN_DESC1 = 1;       // the column 1注音一式 maps to field DESC1
const MOE_COLUMN_DESC2 = 2;       // the column 2釋義 maps to field DESC2
const MOE_COLUMN_DESC3 = 3;       // the column 3多音參見訊息 maps to field DESC3 (not in used)

// split each dic file size to be around 32KB = 32 x 1024 = 32768

Step 6.

In the Google Spreadsheet, create a blank sheet, rename it to "output". Then run the function "Step1()" in ToneOZDic.gs . 在Google Spreadsheet中開一個新的資料表sheet 名稱改為 "output". 執行ToneOZDic.gs中的函式 Step1().


In the first run, please grant all permissions if the Google Script permission dialog popup.

第一次執行時Google Script會跳出App權限授權提示, 我們需要存取sheet以及寫入file的權限, 請核准. toneozdic_20210601-10 toneozdic_20210601-11 toneozdic_20210601-12 toneozdic_20210601-13

Step 7.

Create a folder "tzdata". Make sure the folder name is unique in your Google Drive. Please delete this "tzdata" folder and create a new one each time before you run the function "Step2()" in the next step.

請在您的Google Drive中開一個新資料夾,取名為"tzdata". 請確保您的Google Drive中沒有其他同名的資料夾. 建議 : 每次執行以下提到的函式 Step2() 之前, 手動將舊的tzdata資料夾刪除後再重新開一個空的tzdata資料夾。


Step 8.

Run the function "Step2()" in ToneOZDic.gs

執行ToneOZDic.gs中的函式 Step2() .

Step 9.

Right click on the folder "tzdata" to select download



Step 10.

Unzip the folder "tzdata" to the same folder (tzdic/) with the file tzdic/tzdic.html

將下載後的zip解壓縮, 把資料夾"tzdata"放到與tzdic/tzdic.html同一個資料夾 (tzdic/)


Step 11.

Use any browser to open the demo.html to use the dictionary
