
computer vision for engineering and science specialization by mathworks in coursera

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About this Specialization

Cameras are an integral component in many new technologies. Autonomous systems use cameras to navigate their environment, while doctors use small cameras to help guide minimally invasive surgical techniques. It is essential that engineers use computer vision techniques to extract information from these types of images and videos.

In this specialization, you’ll gain the computer vision skills underpinning many of today’s top jobs. Specifically, you’ll:

  • Perform object detection
  • Train image classification models
  • Use features to track objects and align images
  • Detect motion in video
  • Implement multi-object tracking

You will use MATLAB throughout this specialization. MATLAB is the go-to choice for millions of people working in engineering and science and provides the capabilities you need to accomplish your computer vision tasks. You will be provided free access to MATLAB for the duration of the specialization to complete your work.