Usable Solaris

A collection of tools and application related to Solaris.

Preliminary Solaris 10 setup

If you've just installed Solaris 10 and you would like it to be a bit more like Linux, see how to do a preliminary Solaris 10 setup.

SPARC box turnup HOWTO

If you have a SPARC box without a CD-ROM and you're wondering how to install Solaris on it, try this Solaris box turnup HOWTO.

Solaris package and patch database and browser

If you have a number of Solaris hosts and you would like to know what packages and patches are installed on which host, you can use this tool. The tool uses ssh to remotely execute 'pkginfo' and 'showrev -p', then parses the output and sticks it into a relational database (MySQL or PostgreSQL, or whatever else Django supports). You can then run a web application and browse your collection of machines.

The application can also do some reporting and simple analysis. It can find packages that are installed in different versions on different machines, which is useful to find outdated packages.