
My Vim / gVim / MacVim setup

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Vim Configuration

Initial Setup

Clone this repository to ~/.vim

git clone https://github.com/jeffshantz/vimconfig.git ~/.vim

Install neobundle:

git clone https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim

Link ~/.vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc

ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

Run vim to have NeoBundle install all plugins, exit, and rerun to ensure all plugins are loaded.

Install The Silver Searcher for efficient code search (optional but recommended).


Some of the features of this configuration include:

  • Forcing one to use hjkl navigation

  • Airline status bar

  • Unite

    • Commands

      • ,f - Fuzzy file open
      • ,g - Recursive grep
      • ,y - Yank history
      • ,m - MRU files
      • ,b - Open buffers
      • ,c - Quick commands
    • When Unite is open:

      • Esc or qq exits Unite
      • Ctrl+J or jj allows you to select a menu item
      • Ctrl+R refreshes Unite
      • Ctrl+S opens the selected menu item in a horizontal split
      • Ctrl+V opens the selected menu item in a vertical split
  • Tabularize

    • Use ,a= to align by =
    • Use ,a: to align by :
    • Tabularize is called every time you type |, which is great for Cucumber tables
  • Commenting

    • Uses vim-commentary to comment out code.
    • gcc to toggle the current line
    • gc4j to toggle the current line + the next 4 lines
    • gcap to toggle the current paragraph
    • gcar to toggle the current Ruby block (thanks to the textobj-rubyblock plugin)
    • etc.
  • Comment boxes

    • An 80-character comment box is inserted when you use ,cb #, where # is the comment character to use.
  • Write using sudo

    • Forgot to use sudo vim? No problem. Save the file using :w!! and it will be written as root.
  • Insert blank lines above/below without going into insert mode

    • Above: ,O
    • Below: ,o
  • Rails

    • Uses vim-rails plugin
    • ,q added to quickly switch back and forth between alternate files (e.g. a class and its spec) rather than having to type :A each time.
  • Skeleton files

    • pom.xml
    • Angular JS - Edit any new file named *-ng.html, and you get a basic Angular skeleton
    • Bootstrap - Edit any new file named *-bs.html, and you get a basic Bootstrap skeleton
  • Snippets

    • Plenty of snippets in .vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/
    • I added a few custom Java snippets that I use in my teaching:
      • pc - public class ClassName { }
      • psvm - public static void main(String[] args) { }
      • psvmte - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { }
      • sop - System.out.println("text");
    • Additional snippets can be added to the .vim/snippets directory