
dde-session-ui module

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Description:This project include those sub-project:

  • dde-shutdown
User interface of shutdown.
  • dde-lock
User interface of lock screen.
  • dde-lockservice
The back-end service of locking screen.
  • lightdm-deepin-greeter
The user interface when you login in.
  • dde-switchtogreeter
The tools to switch the user to login in.
  • dde-lowpower
The user interface of reminding low power.
  • dde-osd
User interface of on-screen display .
  • dde-hotzone
User interface of setting hot zone.


You can also check the "Depends" provided in the debian/control file.


Those project's installation is all the same, so we just make a example. A example to install lightdm-deepin-greeter:

  • you need go to the directory of lightdm-deepin-greeter.pro, firstly;
  • create a directory, go to the directory, and run qmake .. && make, secondly;
  • run sudo make install, finally.
  • if you want to make your installation work, you may be need to change some configure file make sure that the lightdm-deepin-greeter is running, or may be it'will run the old one. In the deepin operation system, you need to copy the file lightdm-deepin-greeter (which you get by run make) to the directory "/usr/local/bin".


Those tools you get by the sub-project are system tools, you may use lightdm-deepin-greeter when you login, and you may use dde-shutdown when you choose to shutdown you pc, and so on.

Getting help

Getting involved

We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes


DDE session ui is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.