
Chef cookbook for installing and managing Zookeeper.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Table of Contents


Zookeeper is a coordination and discovery service maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.

This cookbook focuses on deploying Zookeeper via Chef.


This cookbook is primarily a library cookbook. It implements a zookeeper resource to handle the installation and configuration of Zookeeper. It ships with a default recipe for backwards compatibility pre-LWRP which will work fine, but is really just an example.

For local development, you can either use Vagrant, in which case you will need the vagrant-omnibus Vagrant plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

Or, you can use Test-Kitchen, which will handle the bootstrapping for you, and is the preferred method for testing this cookbook (usually via a wrapper cookbook).


  • zookeeper::default : Installs and configures zookeeper. This does not start or manage the service.
  • zookeeper::install : Installs the zookeeper but does not configure it.
  • zookeeper::config_render : Configures zookeeper but does not install it.
  • zookeeper::service : Starts and manages the zookeeper service. Requires zookeeper to be installed/configured.


This cookbook ships with one resource, with future plans for two more covering service management and configuration rendering.


The zookeeper resource is responsible for installing and (eventually) uninstalling Zookeeper from a node.

Actions: :install, :uninstall


  • version: Version of Zookeeper to install (name attribute)
  • user: The user who will eventually run Zookeeper (default: 'zookeeper')
  • mirror: The mirror to obtain Zookeeper from (required)
  • checksum: Checksum for the Zookeeper download file
  • install_dir: Which directory to install Zookeeper to (default: `'/opt/zookeeper')


zookeeper '3.4.6' do
  user     'zookeeper'
  mirror   'http://www.poolsaboveground.com/apache/zookeeper'
  checksum '01b3938547cd620dc4c93efe07c0360411f4a66962a70500b163b59014046994'
  action   :install


This resource renders a Zookeeper configuration file. Period-delimited parameters can be specified either as a flat hash, or by embeddeding each sub-section within a separate hash. See the example below for an example.

Actions: :render, :delete


  • user: The user to give ownership of the file to (default: zookeeper)
  • config: Hash of configuration parameters to add to the file
  • path: Path to write the configuration file to.


config_hash = {
  clientPort: 2181, 
  dataDir: '/mnt/zk', 
  tickTime: 2000,
  autopurge: {
    snapRetainCount: 1,
    purgeInterval: 1

zookeeper_config '/opt/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/conf/zoo.cfg' do
  config config_hash
  user   'zookeeper'
  action :render


This resource can create nodes in Zookeeper.

Actions: :create, :create_if_missing, :delete


  • path: The zookeeper node path (default: The name of the resource)
  • connect_str: The zookeeper connection string (required)
  • data: The data to write to the node
  • auth_scheme: The authentication scheme (default: digest)
  • auth_cert: The authentication password or data
  • acl_digest: Hash of acl permissions per 'digest' id
  • acl_ip: Hash of acl permissions per 'ip'
  • acl_sasl: Hash of acl permissions per 'sasl' id (SASLAuthentication provider must be enabled)
  • acl_world: Acl permissions for anyone (default: Zk::PERM_ALL)


zookeeper_node '/data/myNode' do
  action :create
  connect_str  "localhost:2181"
  data         "my data"
  auth_scheme  "digest"
  auth_cert    "user1:pwd1"
  acl_digest   "user1:a9l5yfb9zl8WCXjVmi5/XOC0Ep4=" => Zk::PERM_ALL
  acl_ip       "" => Zk::PERM_READ | Zk::PERM_WRITE
  acl_sasl     "user@CHEF.IO" => Zk::PERM_ADMIN
  acl_world    Zk::PERM_NONE


  • Version 1.4.7 on the community site is in fact version 1.4.8.

Author and License

Simple Finance ops@simple.com Apache License, Version 2.0