
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Google provided lib, which allows to create custom InfoWindows.

see working fiddle (as of JUL-2013) : http://jsfiddle.net/jeffz2012/TAGsf/

It is pretty much same to original, which you can find here:


Original Javascript file can be found here:


If you want to use it, it is under same license as original (just to take care of formalities).

All changes are marked:

jp[start] added/changed code here jp[end]

NOTE: 5 new elements on the bottom.

infoBubble2 = new InfoBubble({
	    map: map,
	    content: '<div class="phoneytext">some content stuff goes here</div>',
	    position: new google.maps.LatLng(-35, 151),
	    shadowStyle: 1,
	    padding: 0,
	    backgroundColor: 'rgb(57,57,57)',
	    borderRadius: 4,
	    arrowSize: 10,
	    borderWidth: 1,
	    borderColor: '#2c2c2c',
	    disableAutoPan: false,
	    hideCloseButton: false,
	    arrowPosition: 30,
	    backgroundClassName: 'phoney',
	    arrowStyle: 2
	    ,closeSrc: 'img/closeH.png'
	    ,closeHeight: 28
	    ,closeWidth: 28
	    ,closeTop: 6 //this + border width
	    ,closeRight: 6 //this + border width

Pure CSS supoport:

NOTE: what's below is conceptual, not tested - I just tested, if change to <DIV> and if class can be added.

Provided code does not allow for :hover changes to closing image, as it is based on originally used <IMG> tag. I did not want to mess too much with original concept (API should not allow too much of custom injections in general), so I just extended <IMG> capacity.

If you want to add custom class and change closing element from <IMG> to e.g. <DIV> do some thing like this:

line 221 - find: var close = this.close_ = document.createElement('IMG');

change to:

var close = this.close_ = document.createElement('DIV');

add immediately after:

close.className = 'yourCustomClass';

You may remove, or keep close.style['xxx'] elements - best remove them and add css code to class.

Remove: (line 45) this.closeSrc = opt_options.closeSrc; this.closeHeight = opt_options.closeHeight; this.closeWidth = opt_options.closeWidth; this.closeTop = opt_options.closeTop; this.closeRight = opt_options.closeRight;

You also must remove and deal with top/right values around line 1785.

Note: right value is dynamic, reacting to scroller.