
Examples of macro rendering with Minimus and Bulma

Primary LanguageHTML

Examples of Minimus and Bulma macros.

Bulma - an excellent lightweight framework



Jinja2 - the best templating system for Minimus (and Flask, Django, etc.)


Minimus - my easy framework, similar to Flask and Bottle


These are files I use to test Minimus and make developmnet super easy with Bulma.

Here's an example of its usage. If anyone finds it useful, great! Or if you have some improvements please, please let me know.

{% extends 'utility/base.html' %}
{% from 'utility/macros.html' import button, field, ckeditor, checkbox %}

{% block content %}
  {{ field("mytitle", "Title", fields.mytitle, pre) }}
  {{ field("mysubtitle", "Subtitle", fields.mysubtitle) }}
  {{ field("author", "Author", fields.author) }}
  {{ checkbox("is_published", "Published", fields.is_published) }}
  {{ ckeditor("content", "Content", fields.content) }}
  {{ button("save", "Save", category="is-info") }}
{% endblock %}