
Minimus Users

Implements simple "users" model for the Minimus framework. Would also work with Bottle, etc. with minor reworking. Requires use of an external database: either MongoDB or MontyDB.


this will allow you to point at your database choice... either MontyDB or MongoDB


authenticate(username, password)

  • looks for an existing username and checks if the password matches the hashed version in the database if it does, it returns True, not, it returns False


  • initializes the JSON database in a directory IFF you are using MontyDB

get_user(username, uid)

  • returns a user record from a username or id. On failure returns None


  • returns a list of all users

delete_user(username=None, uid=None)

  • username or uid is required. Returns a user if it deleted a user identified by username or its uid

create_user(username, password, **kwargs)

  • creates a user record username, password required -- the only validation is that username does not currently exist. **kwargs are optional keyword arguments to include in the user record... for example is_active=True, display_name=John Doe

update_user(username, **kwargs)

  • add additional keyword arguments to an existing record. If a keyword argument value is EXPLICITLY set to None the existing key/value will be removed.


  • returns a login page as a string contained login_file if None or left blank, then if loads module level file login.html login_filename : string of filename of login page HTML document or None.

NOTE: this is an experimental feature


  • command line interface for user services such as: --createuser, --deleteuser, --listuser, --updateuser. You will usually pass sys.argv to the function, but it is just an array of arguments.


"Minimus" - you know what this is if you've stumbled upon this

"PyMongo" for remote/local mongo

"MontyDB" local filesystem database, command compatible with PyMongo

"PassLib" - "Passlib is a password hashing library for Python 2 & 3, which provides cross-platform implementations of over 30 password hashing algorithms, as well as a framework for managing existing password hashes. It’s designed to be useful for a wide range of tasks, from verifying a hash found in /etc/shadow, to providing full-strength password hashing for multi-user application." (from passlib description)