
Technical evaluation of American Nodes a GraphQL Java client

Primary LanguageJava

Amex Nodes evaluation

This project is a technical evaluation of Amex Nodes, a Java GraphQL client library developped by American Express. A basic knowledge of GraphQL is required.

It is made of JUnit test cases, mostly based on the SuperHeroDatabse application used by Eclipse Microprofile GraphQL project TCK.

The GraphQL server to run this project against is developped using KumuluzEE and available on GitHub kumero project.

Warning: the focus of this evaluation is on the programming model. It does not take into account other considerations such as performance and robustness.

What is Amex Nodes?

Amex Nodes is a Java GraphQL client with the following characteristics:

  • source available on GitHub: Amex Nodes

  • maven artifact available on Amex BinTray (not yet on Maven Central)

  • Apache License 2.0

  • dependency on Jackson (annotations, core, databind, datatype)

  • 8 committers, two of them being more active: Andrew Pratt (alias chemdrew) and Martin Kalen (mkalen)

  • last stable release: 0.5.0 (July 2019).

This project tries to clarify and demonstrate its usage on different use cases.

Amex Nodes supports queries, mutations with arguments and variables.

Not yet supported: notification, fragment, union, interface.

Programming Model

The programming model is based on:

  • a set of specificic annotations to define GraphQL arguments, variables etc …​

  • a specific API to run queries and mutations

  • queries, mutations and selection sets are implemented with classic POJO (Plain Old Java Object).


  • @GraphQLProperty: to explicitely name a field or a class (by default derived from the Java name) and optionaly define some arguments

  • @GraphQLArgument: to define an argument on a given field

  • @GraphQLArguments: a container for several @GraphQLArgument annotations, to define a set of arguments on a given field

  • @GraphQLIgnore: to prevent a Java property field from being be part of the selection set

  • @GraphQLVariable: to define a variable on a field

  • @GraphQLVariables: a container for several @GraphQLVariable annotations, to define a set of variables on a property field

As illustrated in the following examples, these annotations are not always required. In some circunstances, the conventions between Java classes and GraphQL queries are appropriate.

Operation classes

An operation class is a POJO that represents a GraphQL query or mutation:

  • it is directly mapped to the generated GraphQL query. By default, Java property names are used as GraphQL field names

  • this is the place to use the specific annotations.

To make it easier to understand, these classe names are suffixed by Query or Mutation: AddHeroToTeamMutation, AllHeroesWithPowerQuery …​

Selection set classes

Such classes are used to manage the GraphQL selection set (the fields expected in the response). There are used in two ways:

  • in the operation (query or mutation), to identify the list of expected fields

  • in the response to store the returned values.

To make it easier to understand, these classe names are suffixed by DTO: AddHeroToTeamDTO, AllHeroesInTeamDTO …​

Specific API

This API is made of 3 main classes:

  • GraphQLRequestEntity which represents the operation: query or mutation

  • GraphQLTemplate to run the operation against the server

  • GraphQLResponseEntity to read the response (including data and errors).

Let’s be more concrete now with some examples.

Querying a single value

Let’s start with a very basic query returning a single value.

We want to generate the following GraphQL query:

query {

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "hello": "Hello from server"

The query class is:

public class HelloQuery {

    String hello;

    public String getHello() {
        return hello;

    public void setHello(String hello) {
        this.hello = hello;


We can observe that:

  • no annotation is needed here, we just use implicit conventions

  • no DTO class is needed since we just get a single value in the response

  • the property name is translated into the GraphQL field name (hello).

The code to run this query is:

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()

GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<HelloQuery> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.query(requestEntity, HelloQuery.class);

assertTrue(responseEntity.getResponse().getHello().equals("Hello from server"));

Querying a single value with an argument

Let’s complexify a little the previous example: we want a hello field with an argument. The trick with GraphQL is that each field is a potential function with arguments.

We want to generate the following GraphQL query:

query {
  helloWithName(name: "jefrajames")

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "helloWithName": "Hello jefrajames"

The query class is the following:

public class HelloWithNameQuery {

    @GraphQLArgument(name = "name")
    String helloWithName;

    public String getHelloWithName() {
        return helloWithName;

    public void setHelloWithName(String helloWithName) {
        this.helloWithName = helloWithName;


A @GraphQLArgument annotation is needed on the helloWithName field.

The code to run this query is:

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()
    .arguments(new Arguments("helloWithName",
        new Argument<String>("name", "jefrajames")))

GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<HelloWithNameQuery> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.query(requestEntity, HelloWithNameQuery.class);

assertTrue(responseEntity.getResponse().getHelloWithName().equals("Hello jefrajames"));

Querying a list

So far, we’ve worked with single value in the responses, let’s work with a list: we want to retrieve the list of all super heroes.

We want to generate the following GraphQL request:

query {
  allHeroes {

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "allHeroes": [
        "name": "Iron Man",
        "primaryLocation": "Los Angeles, CA",
        "realName": "Tony Stark"
        "name": "Starlord",
        "primaryLocation": "Outer Space",
        "realName": "Peter Quill"
      # etc ...

The query class is:

public class AllHeroesQuery {

    List<Hero> allHeroes;

    public List<Hero> getAllHeroes() {
        return allHeroes;

    public void setAllHeroes(List<Hero> allHeroes) {
        this.allHeroes = allHeroes;


We can observe that:

  • no annotation is needed

  • the name of the Java property is translated into the name of the GraphQL query (allHeroes).

The DTO class for the selection set is:

public class Hero {

    String name;
    String realName;
    String primaryLocation;

    // getters and setters

The code to run the query is:

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()

GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<AllHeroesQuery> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.query(requestEntity, AllHeroesQuery.class);

List<Hero> allHeroes = responseEntity.getResponse().getAllHeroes();



Querying with arguments

Let’s say that we want the list of heroes from a specific team.

We want to generate the following GraphQL request:

query {
  allHeroesInTeam(team: "Avengers")

We want to fetch all "Avengers" heroes including their super powers.

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "allHeroesInTeam": [
        "name": "Iron Man",
        "primaryLocation": "Los Angeles, CA",
        "realName": "Tony Stark",
        "superPowers": [
        "name": "Spider Man",
        "primaryLocation": "New York, NY",
        "realName": "Peter Parker",
        "superPowers": [
          "Spidey Sense",
          "Super Strength",
      # etc ...

The query class is:

public class AllHeroesInTeamQuery {

    @GraphQLArgument(name = "team")
    private List<HeroWithPowers> allHeroesInTeam;

    public List<HeroWithPowers> getAllHeroesinTeam() {
        return allHeroesInTeam;

    public void setAllHeroesInTeam(List<HeroWithPowers> heroes) {
        this.allHeroesInTeam = heroes;


We can observer that we have defined a team argument on the allHeroesInTeam field.

The code to run the query is:

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()
    .arguments(new Arguments("allHeroesInTeam",
        new Argument<String>("team", "Avengers")))

GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<AllHeroesInTeamQuery> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.query(requestEntity, AllHeroesInTeamQuery.class);

List<HeroWithPowers> allAvengers = responseEntity.getResponse().getAllHeroesinTeam();


Querying with variables

Let’s say that we want to find all heroes with a specific power using a GraphQL variable. As a reminder, a GraphQL query can be parameterized with variables, maximizing query reuse, and avoiding costly string building in clients at runtime.

We want to generate the following GraphQL request:

query ($power: String) {
  allHeroesWithPower(power: $power) {

With the following GraphQL variable:

{"power": "Humor"}

In that case, we want all heroes having Humor. Because yes, humor is a real super power! We can see with this example that the body of the query is constant and that it is parameterized thanks to an external variable.

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "allHeroesWithPower": [
        "realName": "Peter Quill",
        "primaryLocation": "Outer Space",
        "name": "Starlord",
        "superPowers": [
          "Dance moves"

Sadly, it seems that not many heroes have humor.

The query class is:

public class HeroesWithPowerVariableQuery {

    @GraphQLVariable(name="power", scalar = "String!")
    List<HeroesWithPowerDTO> allHeroesWithPower;

    public List<HeroesWithPowerDTO> getAllHeroesWithPower() {
        return allHeroesWithPower;

    public void setAllHeroesWithPower(List<HeroesWithPowerDTO> allHeroesWithPower) {
        this.allHeroesWithPower = allHeroesWithPower;


We have defined one variable named power and of type String on the GraphQL query.

HeroesWithPowerDTO is the class that supports the selection set:

public class HeroesWithPowerDTO {

    String name;
    String realName;
    String primaryLocation;
    List<String> superPowers;
    // getters and setters

The code to run the query is:

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()
    .variables(new Variable("power", "Humor"))


GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<HeroesWithPowerVariableQuery> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.query(requestEntity, HeroesWithPowerVariableQuery.class);
List<HeroesWithPowerDTO>  heroes = responseEntity.getResponse().getAllHeroesWithPower();


Running a simple mutation

So far, we’ve just read data using queries. Let’s try to modify data with a mutation operation now. According to the specification, a mutation is supposed to have some side effects. Typically, to add or modify data.

We want to generate the following GraphQL operation:

mutation {
  addHeroToTeam(hero: "Spider Man", team: "X-Men") {
    members {

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "addHeroToTeam": {
      "members": [
          "name": "Wolverine",
          "primaryLocation": "Unknown",
          "realName": "James Howlett, aka Logan"
          "name": "Spider Man",
          "primaryLocation": "New York, NY",
          "realName": "Peter Parker"

In that case, we want Spider Man to become a member of the X-Men team.

The mutation class is:

public class AddHeroToTeamMutation {

        @GraphQLArgument(name = "hero"),
        @GraphQLArgument(name = "team")
    AddHeroToTeamDTO addHeroToTeam;
    // setters and getters

We have defined 2 arguments (hero and team) on the addHeroToTeam field.

We need 2 DTO classes to support the hierarchy of the selection set since we want some details of all members of the team:

public class AddHeroToTeamDTO {

    List<AddHeroToTeamMemberDTO> members;
    // setters and getters
public class AddHeroToTeamMemberDTO {

    String name;
    String realName;
    String primaryLocation;
    // setters and getters

The code to run the query is:

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()
    .arguments(new Arguments("addHeroToTeam", new   Argument<>("hero", "Spider Man"), new Argument<>("team", "X-Men")))

GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<AddHeroToTeamMutation> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.mutate(requestEntity, AddHeroToTeamMutation.class);

AddHeroToTeamDTO addHeroToTeamDTO =responseEntity.getResponse().getAddHeroToTeam();

assertTrue(addHeroToTeamDTO.getMembers().size() >= 1);

We have provided the argument values.

By default, Nodes generates a query operation (even if mutate is called). Hence it is required to explictelly define the MUTATE request method.

Running a more complex mutation

Let’s run a more complex mutation now. We want to add a new hero, namely Bruce Lee. We’re going to use an InputObject for that.

We want to generate the following GraphQL request:

mutation {
  createNewHero(hero: {name: "Bruce Lee",
    realName: "Lee Jun Fan",
    primaryLocation: "San Francisco",
    superPowers: ["Jet Kune Do", "Fitness"],
    teamAffiliations: [{name: "Martial artist"}]}) {

The expected response from the server is:

  "data": {
    "createNewHero": {
      "realName": "Lee Jun-Fan"

The mutation class is:

public class CreateNewHeroMutation {

    CreateNewHeroDTO createNewHero;
    // setters and getters

The DTO class is:

public class CreateNewHeroDTO {

    String realName;
    // setters and getters

The code to run the query is:

InputObject newHero = new InputObject.Builder<>()
    .put("name", "Bruce Lee")
    .put("realName", "Lee Jun Fan")
    .put("primaryLocation", "San Francisco")
    .put("superPowers", List.of("Jet Kune Do", "Fitness"))
    .put("teamAffiliations", List.of(new CreateNewHeroTeamArgument("Martial Artists")))

GraphQLRequestEntity requestEntity = GraphQLRequestEntity.Builder()
    .arguments(new Arguments("createNewHero", new Argument("hero", newHero)))

System.out.println("testCreateNewHero => GraphQL mutation=" + requestEntity.getRequest());
GraphQLTemplate graphQLTemplate = new GraphQLTemplate();

GraphQLResponseEntity<CreateNewHeroMutation> responseEntity = graphQLTemplate.mutate(requestEntity, CreateNewHeroMutation.class);

CreateNewHeroDTO createNewHeroDTO = responseEntity.getResponse().getCreateNewHero();

assertTrue(createNewHeroDTO.getRealName().equals("Lee Jun Fan"));

The createNewHero argument value is provided as an InputField. This InputField reflects the data structure of the input data.

There is an additionnal class that supports the team affiliation:

public class CreateNewHeroTeamAffiliationArgument {

    String name;
    // setters and getters

    public String toString() {
        return "{" + "name:" + "\"" + name + "\"" + "}";

The toString method is explicitelly coded to reflect the JSON structure of the teamAffiliations argument in the mutation request.


The following references have been used to write this articles: