
Repository for Oracle Code One

Primary LanguageJava

Demo for Oracle Code One 2019

This project is a demo for Oracle Code One 2019.

It simulates a simplified payment system based on 3 services:

  • Easy to Pay: a payment system that concentrates multiple point of sales for a given merchant, run on port 8080 with Payara Micro,

  • Smart Bank Gateway: a gateway to the Acquiring bank to get payment authorizations, run on port 8081 with TomEE,

  • Merchant Back Office: where the merchant can vizualise its payments through a GraphQL API, run on port 8082 with KumuluzEE.

HSQLDB is used as database.

The objective is to demonstrate MicroProfile in action based on a simplified, yet significative, use case.

It is worth noting that this demo is by far not representative of a real payment system:

  • The payment processing is simplified,

  • There is no built-in security,

  • It is not at all PCI-DSS compliant.

The purpose of this demo is just to run locally on a laptop during a talk and to demonstrate some technical aspects.

The following MP specifications are illustrated:

  • Configuration,

  • Fault tolerance,

  • Health,

  • OpenAPI,

  • RestClient.