
A Newgrounds.io API addon for Godot 4

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Newgrounds.io API for Godot 4

Quick start

Install and enable the addon. Go to the project settings and look for Newgrounds.io. In there, add the app ID and encryption key found on the Newgrounds project page.

Configure the addon

You should also import your medals/scoreboards from Newgrounds:

Project > Tools > Import Newgrounds Medals & Scoreboards This will make it possible to get medal/scoreboard names using NewgroundsIds.ScoreboardId and NewgroundsIds.MedalId.

Once done, you are ready to go! The nodes NG and NGCloudSave are accessible in code.

Signing in & out

When running the game on Newgrounds, you should be signed in automatically once the addon is initialized.

# Manually sign in, will launch newgrounds passport

# Signing out, ending the session

# Track session changes

# ...

func session_change(s : NewgroundsSession):
	if s.signed_in():
		print("Signed in")
		print("Not signed in")

Unlock medal

await NG.medal_unlock(id) # or NewgroundsIds.MedalId.MEDAL_NAME if you've imported medals and scoreboards.
print("Medal unlocked!")

You can also listen to any new medal unlock, if you want to show a unlock popup or something similar:


func _medal_unlock(medal_id:int):
	print("Unlocked medal with ID %s" % medal_id);
	var medal = NG.get_medal_resource(medal_id)

Submit a score

await NG.scoreboard_submit(id, value)
print("Score submitted!")
await NG.scoreboard_submit_time(id, seconds)
print("Time submitted!")

Get scores

var scores = await NG.scoreboard_get_scores(scoreboard_id, limit)
for score in scores:
	print("user %s has the score %s" % [score.name, score.formatted_value])

Cloud save & load

The to save a load strings, you can do this:

var data = "hello hello";
await NG.cloudsave_set_data(1, data)

data = "stuff";
data = await NG.cloudsave_get_data(1);
print(data) # "hello hello"

A more automated way is possible using NGCloudSave. First, create a node with a script attached. Add the node to the group CloudSave. Then add the following script:

var test_text = ""
var test_number = 1;

# the properties returned by `_cloud_save` will be restored when loading
func _cloud_save():
	return {
		"test_text": test_text,
		"test_number": test_number,

Now, you can call NGCloudSave.save_game() and NGCloudSave.load_game() to store/load the properties defined in the script.

For it to work, it's important that the node has the same path when loading/saving. Therefore it could be good to add the save object as an autoload script.

Using the NewgroundsMedalUnlocker and NewgroundsScoreboard nodes

These nodes require you to have imported medals and scoreboards. They're useful for tracking medals and getting scoreboard data.

Unlocking medals

To track and unlock a medal add a NewgroundsMedalUnlocker node and select the medal it should represent in its properties. Call $Medal.unlock() to unlock it. It also has a signal on_unlock(medal), and the property unlocked to check if it's unlocked.

Loading scoreboard scores

Simply add a NewgroundsScoreboard node, and assign its scoreboard id. You can call refresh() on it to fetch new scores. Its signal on_scores_get is called when scores are loaded.

Offline mode

The addon keeps track of unlocked medals, submitted scores, and cloud saves even when offline/signed out. It will sync with Newgrounds when the user signs in.


There are a few examples in the examples directory. Drag in newgrounds_debug.tscn into your scene and look around if you want to see them in action.


NG tries to handle most logic for you, but it's also possible to manually call components. NG.components node contains various methods for calling the Newgrounds API, if you want to do it manually.They all return a NewgroundsRequest:



# optional app_id to get other games' scores
NG.components.scoreboard_get_scores(id, limit, skip, period, social, user = "", tag = "", app_id = "")

NG.components.scoreboard_submit(id, value)
NG.components.scoreboard_submit_time(id, seconds)

# optional app_id can be provided to get other games' medals
NG.components.medal_get_list(app_id = "")

# optional app_id to get other games' save slots
NG.components.cloudsave_load_slots(app_id = "")
NG.components.cloudsave_load_slot(slot_id, app_id = "")
NG.components.cloudsave_get_data(slot_id, app_id = "")

NG.components.cloudsave_set_data(slot_id, data_string)

You can listen to the request done by these calls:

func get_scoreboards():
	var response = await NG.components.scoreboard_list().on_response
	if response.error: