
EVE wormhole map

Primary LanguageJavaScript

pyhole is a wormhole connection mapping tool for EVE online.


alternatives include

it uses websockets when available and falls back onto AJAX for the in-game browser (but loses pushed updates because long-polling is stupid). drawing is done in canvas to make sure IE users can't use it (and the in-game browser has no dashed line support, so that's good too).


  1. download the latest original.sql.bz2 file from http://evedump.icyone.net/

  2. install mysql-server (or mariadb-server)

     mysql -u root -p
         create database eve;
         grant all on eve.* to eve@localhost identified by 'eve';
     bunzip2 -c original.sql.bz2 | mysql -u eve -peve eve
  3. you will need oursql but this is neither packaged nor will pip/easy_install find the right version
    download and extract the zip at https://launchpad.net/oursql/py3k
    on debian, install libmysqlclient-dev (even if you're running mariadb)
    on fedora, install mysql-devel (or MariaDB-devel)
    on both, install python3-pip
    cd into the oursql/ directory and then run
    debian: pip-3.2 install .
    fedora: pip-python3 install .

  4. install these dependencies:
    debian: python3-yaml
    fedora: python3-PyYAML

    mysql -u root -p
        create database pyhole;
        grant all on pyhole.* to pyhole@localhost identified by 'pyhole';
    mysql -u pyhole -ppyhole pyhole < schema.sql
    mysql -u pyhole -ppyhole pyhole
        insert into maps values('[]');
  1. copy config.yaml.example to config.yaml. edit.

        import db
        db.create_user('raylu', 'a')
    mysql -u pyhole -ppyhole pyhole
        update users set admin = 1;
  1. ./server.py

  2. after confirming everything works, you'll probably want to set up lighttpd like so:

     $HTTP["host"] == "map.hellsinker.org" {
     	server.document-root = "/var/www/map.hellsinker.org/"
     	$HTTP["url"] !~ "^/static/" {
     		proxy.server = ("" => (("host" => "", "port" => 8001)))