
Python App to integrate firebase connectivity & Perform CRUD operations using Flask API - ToDo Application Demo

Primary LanguagePython


Flask App with Firebase connectivity - Firebase Setup - Firebase default app initialization - CRUD Operations using ToDo collection - Flask Setup & APIs to do crud operations

Create APP on Firebase

- Create Realtime database
- Generate API Key (Python)
- Put it on working directory (Also add the file to .gitignore)

Install firebase-admin

- pip install firebase-admin

Install flask modules

- pip install flask
- pip install flask-restful
- pip install flask-cors

Appsettings File

I have use appsettings.json file to store configuration items
    - DatabaseURL
    - Collection Details

This file contains connectivity of Firebase and sample CRUD operations using TODO List - Class ToDoCollection() - Initialize reference for todo collection

Methods Description Input Output Access
_getSnapshot() To get snapshot of collection None dict or None Private
__findItem(id) To find the item id: 1 dict or False Private
addTodoItem(content) To push/add new todo items into collection dict: {'id':1, 'task':'Task'} Boolean Public
getTodoItems() To get the entire todo items list None list Public
getTodoItem() To get the todo item id: 1 dict or None Public
clearAllItems() To clear all nodes in the collection None Boolean Public
updateTodoItem(self, id, content) To update item from the collection id: 1, dict: {'id':1, 'task':'Task'} Boolean Public
deleteTodoItem(id) To delete item from the collection id: 1 Boolean Public

Main python file run as Flask Restful API application

- Added CORS Policy to the Flask App
- Created APIs as Restful

APIs Used in app.py - Flask Application

API URL Description METHOD Body Content(Eg.)
/health Check whether the application is running properly or not GET None
/getAllItems Return all the todo items GET None
/getItem Return the todo item POST {"id": 1}
/addItem Add new todo item to the collection POST {"id": 1 , "task": "My Todo task"}
/deleteItem Delete todo item from the collection DELETE {"id": 1}
/deleteAllItems Delete all the items from the collection DELETE None
/updateItem Delete all the items from the collection POST {"id": 1 , "task": "My Todo task"}
- Success API call will have status code of 200
- Failure and exception API with return with status code 400

Thanks everyone