
Blockchain Law Course



Blockchain Law Course

Welcome to the world's first open Blockchain Law Course. Blockchain is the most exciting and disruptive technology of this generation and will permanently change the concept of law and the role of legal practitioners in our society. The development and implementation of the technology requires a whole new set of theoretical foundations and mental paradigms, which we have to develop together as a global community. Specific multidisciplinary skills will be required to draft self-executing, autonomus smart contracts, to design code - based regulatory frameworks, to implement governance and incentive systems for descentraliced communites. New legal fields and disciplines will emerge in the following years.

The purpose of this project is to bridge the current knowledge and skill gap around blockchain technologies and specically their legal and regulatory dimensions. The project will be open for collaboration and the content will be integrated into the digital commons with a permissive, open source license. A modular approach will facilitate participation, development and consumption of content.

If you want to develop a specific topic, you are welcome to join our discussion forums. Submit your pull requests!

Introduction to Blockchain Law
