A collection of demonstration notebooks for datascience/tables.
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View or Launch a blank notebook with the preliminaries for using tables.
View or Launch an illustration of probability and the central limit theory using Tables.
View or Launch a fairly comprensive data exploration study using salary data provided as part of City of Berkeley open data project. It includes a substantial discussion of the datascience/Tables methods, most of which arise in this study.
View or Launch an illustration of systematic data cleaning starting from census data and reaching a simple observation - not many old men around.
View or Launch an exploratory study from part of the health records survey using public data from the [UC Michigan Institute for Social Research Health and Retirement Survey] (http://rsonline.isr.umich.edu). It illustrates a table-driven approach to data cleaning and bootstrapping.
View or Launch a textbook illustration of multi-variate analysis. It uses regression to build models and uses these models to factor out gestation duration. It uses bootstrapping to provide a richer understanding of the regression.
View or Launch a simple illustration of probability concepts in a classic introductory problem with a blend of computational thinking.
View or Launch some exploratory analysis of click stream data straight out of the "Doing Data Science" book, but here in Tables, rather than R. Way prettier.
Launch an introduction to Tables as pedagogical device.
- Launch an illustration of a data narrative with a more advanced use of Tables combining multiple data sources.