(Matlab) code for the probabilistic brain decoding algorithms "PRINCE" and "The Algorithm Formerly Known As Prince"

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Matlab & Python code for the probabilistic brain decoding algorithms "PRINCE" and "The Algorithm Formerly Known As PRINCE"

This code runs the PRINCE or TAFKAP decoding algorithm. The original
PRINCE algorithm was first described here: 


The new TAFKAP algorithm is described here:


The main input to the code is 'samples'. If you are using the code to
decode fMRI data, the rows in this matrix will likely correspond to
trials, while the columns will correspond to voxels. The variable 
names used in the code reflect this usage. However, note that the different
columns could equally be different EEG/MEG channels, or any other set
of variables that you measured. Similarly, rows do not have to be
trials, but could be any set of measurements that you took of your
voxels or other variables. 

The second input, 'p', is a struct that allows you to customize        
certain settings that influence how the algorithm runs. These
settings are explained in more detail in commments, next to the code that
defines their default values. In this struct, you must also supply some labels
for your data; namely a list of stimulus values ('stimval'), a list
of "run numbers" ('runNs') and two lists of binary indicator
variables ('train_trials' and 'test_trials'), that tell the code 
which trials to use for training, and which to use for testing. The
stimulus values in 'stimval' must be circular and in the range of 
[0, 180]. For instance, it could be the orientation of a visual
stimulus, measured in degrees. However, it could also be (for
instance) a color value or direction of motion - as long as these
values are rescaled to [0, 180] (just take care, in that case, to
transform the decoder outputs back to their original scale, e.g. [0, 360]
or [0, 2*pi]. Non-circular or discrete values aren't implemented
here, but the code could be easily adapted for these cases, by 
altering the basis functions (defined in fun_basis.m) that are used 
to fit tuning functions to voxels (or other response variables). The
indices in 'runNs' can correspond to the indices of the fMRI runs
from which each trial was taken. More broadly, they serve as indices
to set up an inner cross-validation loop within the training data, to
find the best hyperparameters for the TAFKAP algorithm (for PRINCE, 
these indices do not need to be specified. If your data are not
divided into fMRI runs, you should choose another way to divide your
data into independent partitions. 

The main code to run is TAFKAP_decode.m. To see how the code works, 
you can run it without any input, in which case some data will be 
simulated for you. The function returns four outputs: 
-'est': an array of stimulus estimates (one for each trial)
-'unc': an array of uncertainty values (one for each trial)
-'liks': a [trial x stimulus_value] matrix of normalized
-'hypers': the best setting for the hyperparameters (lambda_var and
lambda) that was found on the training data (not applicable to PRINCE) 

If your use of this code leads to some form of publication, please
cite one of the following papers for attribution:

van Bergen, R. S., Ma, W. J., Pratte, M. S., & Jehee, J. F. M. (2015). 
Sensory uncertainty decoded from visual cortex predicts behavior. 
Nature neuroscience, 18(12), 1728-1730. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.4150

van Bergen, R.S., & Jehee, J. F. M. (2021). TAFKAP: An improved 
method for probabilistic decoding of cortical activity. 

This repository now also includes a Python port of our original 
Matlab code. Please note that this version has not undergone as
much testing as the Matlab version, as we have to date only used
the latter in our own analyses. 

The Matlab implementation of TAFKAP uses invChol_mex for fast inversion
of symmetric, positive-definite matrices (see https://www.mathworks.com/
definite-matrix-inverse-using-cholesky-decomposition). This relies on
Matlab's ability to run pre-compiled C-code, as though it were a Matlab
function (see https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mex.html). TAFKAP 
includes a pre-compiled MEX files that should work on most Linux and 
Windows systems. If this throws an error, TAFKAP will default to using 
Matlab's built-in "inv" function, and issue a warning. If you encounter 
this and wish to benefit from invChol_mex's faster computation, try to run
run_to_compile_and_test.m from within the invChol folder. If this fails with
the message that you do not have a compiler installed, please try installing
the MinGW compiler (see https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/
311290-faq-how-do-i-install-the-mingw-compiler) and try again.