
A Mirror of NY State Legislation

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A repository with information on New York State Legislation. This mirrors the NY Senate Open Legislation Portal.

How can I use this data?

One way to do analysis on flat files is using tools like jq.

For example to see the top 10 most sponsored bills in each house which are not yet signed by the Govorner you could do the following

$ jq -r -c 'select(.Chamber == "SENATE" and .Resolution != true) | select(.Status != "SIGNED_BY_GOV") | select((.Sponsors | length) > 31) | {PrintNo,Status,Sponsors:(.Sponsors | length),Title}' bills/2023/*.json | jq -s -c 'sort_by(.Sponsors) | reverse | .[:10] | .[] '
{"PrintNo":"S8388","Status":"IN_SENATE_COMM","Sponsors":43,"Title":"Protects the health insurance benefits of retirees of public employers and contributions of retirees of public employers"}
{"PrintNo":"S6636","Status":"SENATE_FLOOR","Sponsors":43,"Title":"Provides for the types of damages that may be awarded to the persons for whose benefit an action for wrongful death is brought"}
{"PrintNo":"S3189","Status":"IN_SENATE_COMM","Sponsors":43,"Title":"Enacts the \"fair pay for home care act\""}
{"PrintNo":"S5085","Status":"SENATE_FLOOR","Sponsors":40,"Title":"Requires motor vehicle dealer franchisors to fully compensate franchised motor vehicle dealers for warranty service agreements"}
{"PrintNo":"S1292","Status":"IN_ASSEMBLY_COMM","Sponsors":40,"Title":"Establishes the clean fuel standard of 2024"}
{"PrintNo":"S7586","Status":"PASSED_ASSEMBLY","Sponsors":39,"Title":"Relates to permitting accidental death benefits to be awarded to the beneficiary of Anthony Varvaro"}
{"PrintNo":"S6880","Status":"IN_SENATE_COMM","Sponsors":36,"Title":"Relates to annual professional performance reviews of teachers and principals; repealer"}
{"PrintNo":"S568","Status":"IN_SENATE_COMM","Sponsors":36,"Title":"Relates to establishing the housing access voucher program"}
{"PrintNo":"S3397","Status":"PASSED_ASSEMBLY","Sponsors":36,"Title":"Establishes a maximum temperature in school buildings and indoor facilities"}
{"PrintNo":"S3170","Status":"IN_SENATE_COMM","Sponsors":36,"Title":"Establishes \"Kyra's Law\""}

$jq -r -c 'select(.Chamber == "ASSEMBLY" and .Resolution != true) | select(.Status != "SIGNED_BY_GOV") | select((.Sponsors | length) > 75) | {PrintNo,Status,Sponsors:(.Sponsors | length),Title}' bills/2023/*.json | jq -s -c 'sort_by(.Sponsors) | reverse | .[:10] | .[] '
{"PrintNo":"A8149","Status":"ASSEMBLY_FLOOR","Sponsors":109,"Title":"Establishes the New York child data protection act"}
{"PrintNo":"A8148","Status":"ASSEMBLY_FLOOR","Sponsors":108,"Title":"Establishes the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids act prohibiting the provision of addictive feeds to minors"}
{"PrintNo":"A7866","Status":"IN_ASSEMBLY_COMM","Sponsors":107,"Title":"Protects the health insurance benefits of retirees of public employers and contributions of retirees of public employers"}
{"PrintNo":"A1941","Status":"IN_ASSEMBLY_COMM","Sponsors":105,"Title":"Relates to providing universal school meals to students"}
{"PrintNo":"A964","Status":"IN_ASSEMBLY_COMM","Sponsors":101,"Title":"Establishes the clean fuel standard of 2024"}
{"PrintNo":"A2880","Status":"IN_ASSEMBLY_COMM","Sponsors":101,"Title":"Provides for paid family leave after a stillbirth"}
{"PrintNo":"A4066","Status":"PASSED_SENATE","Sponsors":99,"Title":"Requires motor vehicle dealer franchisors to fully compensate franchised motor vehicle dealers for warranty service agreements"}
{"PrintNo":"A3346","Status":"IN_ASSEMBLY_COMM","Sponsors":97,"Title":"Establishes \"Kyra's Law\""}
{"PrintNo":"A5990","Status":"ASSEMBLY_FLOOR","Sponsors":90,"Title":"Provides for the restriction of substances in menstrual products"}
{"PrintNo":"A5949","Status":"ASSEMBLY_FLOOR","Sponsors":87,"Title":"Prohibits the application of pesticides to certain local freshwater wetlands"}