
docker images

Primary LanguageDockerfile


1. Docker on Windows 10 home

2. Docker run script

  1. Run by docker run command
    export IMAGE=02_dsml  
    export TAG=02_geocoding
    docker run -it --name=geo -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v //c/Arbeitplatz/:/workplace -p 8888:8888 --shm-size 4g jehyunlee/${IMAGE}:${TAG}
  2. Run by script
    • script download [Link]
    $ run

3. Dockerfiles

  1. jehyunlee/00_base
    • :kr
      • [ubuntu] ubuntu 16.04
      • [browser] firefox, dbus-x11
      • [language] fonts-nanum vim uim uim-byeoru
      • [locale] ko_KR.UTF-8
  2. jehyunlee/01_anaconda
    • :01_jlab
      • [DEV] anaconda3, nodejs, pydot, graphviz
      • [ENV] alias, jupyter-notebook-config, PYTHONPATH
    • :02_jlabext
      • [ENV] jupyter lab extensions
        • ipywidget, github, latex, drawio, go_to_definition, code_formatter, toc, google-drive, git, mathjax3, graphviz
          • latex:
            (1) c.LatexConfig.latex_command = 'pdflatex' should be added on /root/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py, as implemented in Dockerfile)
            (2) For missing PACKAGE (.sty) error, corresponding .sty file should be pasted on /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/[PACKAGE_NAME]/[PACKAGE.sty] and mktexlsr is executed for database update.
  3. jehyunlee/02_dsml
    • :01_dsml
      • [DEV] tensorflow 1.14, keras 2.2.4, pytorch 1.3.0, lightgbm 2.3.0, xgboost 0.90, hyperspy, selenium, geckodriver
    • :02_geocoding
    • :03_dsml_TF2
      • [DEV] tensorflow 2.0.0, pytorch 1.4.0, torchvision 0.5.0, imbalanced-learn 0.6.2, smote_variants 0.3.13, imbalanced_databases 0.1.1, lightgbm 2.3.1, xgboost 1.0.2, hyperspy 1.5.2, selenium 3.141.0, plotly 4.5.4, plotly-geo 1.0.0, modin[all] 0.7.2, fastapi 0.52.0, uvicorn 0.11.3, gunicorn 20.0.4, fastprogress 0.2.2, optuna 1.2.0, geckodriver
      • [ENV] midnight commander, LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
      • [CMD] ["jupyter", "lab", "--no-browser"]