
Start initilizing git in the git bash!

git init

Actualize your branches!

Every day, before start working in a project with my team, i have to actualize the branches:

git fetch

what if two or more persons are working in the same branch?

Remenber always to pull all the work that is currently in the remote branch!

First check that you are in the branch you want to work!

git branch -a

The one with the asterisk (*) is the where you actually are! If you're not in the desired branch you have to change branches:

git checkout <name-desired-branch>

One you're in the desired branch to work, (or if you already were) just pull!

git pull <link-repo> <branch-name>

You want to clone the work of a branch to a new branch?

Remenber always to pull all the work that is currently in the remote branch!

Always check first that you are in the branch you want to work!

git branch -a

The one with the asterisk (*) is the where you actually are! If you're not in the desired branch you have to change branches:

git checkout <name-desired-branch>

One you're in the desired branch to work, we're ready to clone! You have to create a new branch from the actual branch

git branch <name-new-branch>
git checkout <name-new-branch>

Or you can also type:

git checkout -b <name-new-branch>

This will create a new branch with the work of the branch you were before!

Commit&Push regulary!

Remenber always to push regularly to save your work!

First check that you are in the branch you want to work! It is important to push in the right branch!

git branch -a

The one with the asterisk (*) is the where you actually are! If you're not in the desired branch you have to change branches:

git checkout <name-desired-branch>

One you're in the desired branch to work, (or if you already were) commit and push!

git add * 
git commit -m "<message>"
git push <link-repo> <branch-name>

Remenber that in git add * the asteriks means to add all the files into the commit