
Client-side repository for gattaGo dragonboating management web application.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


gattaGo is a dragonboat team coaching tool designed to track teams, manage athletes and build boat lineups.

NOTE: for back-end documentation, see here.

Table of Contents

General Information

  • Dragonboating is a flatwater canoe sport where teams of 22 (1 drummer, 20 paddlers and 1 steersperson) race each over a given distance.
  • Traditional means of managing teams vary from tactile pen-and-paper to spreadsheet and print-out implementations.
  • gattaGo aims to provide a web application alternative of tracking dragonboat teams, athlete details and boat lineups.
  • This project was conceived to reinforce full-stack web development practices and to address a niche opportunity within an amateur sport.

Technologies Used

  • React.js - version 18.2.0
  • TailwindCSS - version 3.3.2
  • Typescript - version 5.0.2
  • Vite.js - version 4.3.9

Notable Libraries Used

  • axios - version 1.4.0
  • chart.js - version 4.3.3
  • dnd-kit - version 6.0.8
  • framer-motion - version 10.15.2
  • react-chart-js-2 - version 5.2.0
  • react-hook-form - version 7.44.3


  • Login/Signup with custom API using JWT
  • Create, edit and delete teams and view high-level data via dashboard.
  • Create, edit and delete athletes and sort/filter by paddler skills and stats.
  • Create, edit and delete boat lineups by using drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Generate a sample team with 30 athletes and 1 lineup (for demo purposes).


Empty Overview Page Empty Overview Page

Team Overview Page Team Overview Page

Team Dashboard Page Team Dashboard Page

Team Roster Page Team Roster Page

Team Lineup Page Team Lineup Page

Team Lineup Page with Mobile and Drag-and-Drop Team Lineup Page with Mobile and Drag-and-Drop


RECOMMENDED: follow setup steps in backend documentation for server/database first.

  1. Download or clone repository.
  2. Install application.

    npm i

  3. Launch application.

    npm run dev



Script Description
npm run dev Compile Typescript code into Javascript and build application with Vite.

Project Status

Project is: in progress (phase1).
Currently working on: cleanup and deployment.

Next Steps

Room for improvement:

  • Separate database calls into services for team controller.
  • General type-checking.
  • Optimize touch features for lineup page.

To do:

  • Deploy application.

Future Phase Ideas:

  • Race plan weather section.
  • User roles: managers (read+write), athletes (read-only), event organizers.
  • Regatta and event support for event organizers.
  • Live race day progressions and results using websockets.

Known issues:

  • Deployment issues where cookies are unable to be received by front-end from back-end. removed refresh token and cookie handling logic


Created by Kent K.C. Ho - feel free to contact me!

Written with StackEdit.