
Space Invaders 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tech Stacks

  1. React
  2. Phaser
  3. Express


Remembering the good old arcade? Playing those simple games back in the days? Look no more. This Virtual Arcade webapp offers a collection of classic games.

Games List(will be updated in the future)

  • Space Invaders
  • Pong
  • Breakout
  • Jojo (under construction) - story based indie game


  1. Clone Repository
    git clone https://github.com/jekiquin/jerick-iquin-capstone.git
  2. Go to server folder, install node modules and then run.
    cd server
    npm install
    npm start
  3. Go to client folder and install node modules
    cd client
    npm install
    npm start
  4. Happy hacking

Future Development

  1. Integrating more animations
  2. Adding more levels to library
  3. Completing Jojo game
  4. Adding online multiplayer functionality
    • Include user login and authentication
  5. Adding more games to the library


If anyone wants to collab, don't hesitate to contact me through linkedin!