- 3
Device information
#594 opened by BAHbKA007 - 4
- 1 connection error
#593 opened by egorbunovs - 0
Error since lastest pull.
#592 opened by omlet05 - 2
- 0
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/xxx/poketrainer/GAME_MASTER_POKEMON_v0_2.tsv'
#586 opened by emanuelebrivio - 0
#575 opened by skydrome - 9
Front page bloat
#550 opened by olife373 - 1
Release methods removed from config ?
#572 opened by miniyuuzhan - 5
possible set feature abt catch time
#568 opened by loveinpin - 0
- 7
- 2
- 0
Not Softbanned, But Not Spinning Forts?
#566 opened by freakyfreak87 - 4
Could not spin fort, Not in range
#558 opened by matlink - 1
Bot tries to release pokemon deployed in gyms.
#531 opened by BoBeR182 - 2
- 0
fragile version check comparison
#556 opened by infinitewarp - 7
Expand travis to build on windows and mac os
#544 opened by rirze - 6
Not catching anything?
#536 opened by sadatnfs - 3
Runtime error in
#517 opened by piprees - 7
"Needy item farming" broken
#487 opened by magnetik89 - 6
New softban?
#514 opened by BoBeR182 - 2
Master does not start...
#522 opened by BoBeR182 - 2
#523 opened by JimmyNeutrino - 3
Master/Develop Both Failed Travis Ci?
#524 opened by freakyfreak87 - 4
[Discussion] Why are we letting Travis fail?
#513 opened by infinitewarp - 2
Cannot evolve second evolution pokemon
#466 opened by beeedy - 7
Step size > 5 not working since last app update
#470 opened by haver007 - 6
Are we safe to continue using this bot?
#521 opened by IllidanU - 2
Syntax error
#515 opened by Lolwa18 - 3
Latest Develop Branch, Invalid JSON.
#507 opened by freakyfreak87 - 3
Colorized output
#465 opened by BHGaming - 3
Performance issues
#488 opened by magnetik89 - 10
- 0
- 1
- 2
Does transfer in web work for you?
#489 opened by Simennzz - 5
#490 opened by omlet05 - 0
autosnipe regex
#482 opened by skydrome - 3
seems no target to trip ?
#483 opened by loveinpin - 1
[Web interface] EXP/Hour is always 0
#455 opened by matlink - 2
egg hatching and double down on travel distance
#480 opened by HibikiFox - 1
[develop] - TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
#481 opened by mtuuu - 20
Not Evolving Pokemon Again?
#452 opened by freakyfreak87 - 3
Indent typo in _heartbeat
#472 opened by rirze - 0
TypeError: None has type <type 'NoneType'>, but expected one of: (<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>)
#467 opened by esfomeado - 1
Support for multi google API keys.
#464 opened by BoBeR182 - 4
OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#461 opened by sadatnfs - 1
[already solved] help to close this issue
#456 opened by loveinpin