
Update dependency constraint to allow for liquid v5.0.0

jekyllbot opened this issue ยท 16 comments

Hey there! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I noticed that the constraint you have for liquid doesn't allow for the latest version to be used.

The constraint I found was ~> 4.0, and the latest version available is 5.0.0.

Can you look into updating that constraint so our users can use the latest and greatest version? Thanks! ๐Ÿ’ž

FWIW, we had to make a breaking change to support Liquid 5. bridgetownrb/bridgetown#224

Seems that for conditionals (aka in the where filter), '', blank, and empty are now all equivalent, since there's no clear way to detect '' vs. blank/empty.

ADTC commented

I was also wondering why Jekyll isnt using Liquid 5 yet. What do Shopify/liquid maintainers say about the breaking change?

@jaredcwhite Thanks for the tip, our test suite is still failing when I apply your fix ๐Ÿคท also Liquid-c 5.0 hasn't been released yet.

Is there a way to force my Jekyll installation to use Liquid 5 or 5.1? Liquid performance is pretty poor in the current Jekyll release, and I'd like to see if the later versions have improved performance.

Is there a way to force my Jekyll installation to use Liquid 5 or 5.1?

@SimonEast No, Officially, you can't force Jekyll to use Liquid 5+.

However, there is a workaround (via a nasty hack).

  • Clone the Liquid repository.
  • Checkout one of the release-tags (v5.1.0 / v5.0.1 / v5.0.0) (if you don't want to use unreleased changes).
  • Change the vesion-string in lib/liquid/version.rb to be something in the 4.x series.
  • Update your Gemfile to use the local clone:
    # Gemfile
    gem "liquid", path: "path/to/local_repo"
  • Then invoke Jekyll via Bundler. e.g. bundle exec jekyll build

@ashmaroli Thank you for this! I've added your solution to my Makefile + Gemfile files



ifneq ("$(wildcard /${LIQUID_VERSION_PATH})","")

	@if [ ${LIQUID_VERSION_PATH_EXISTS} = true ] ; then \
		git clone  --branch ${LIQUID_VERSION} ${LIQUID_PATH} && \
    	cd ${LIQUID_PATH} && \
    	git switch -c ${LIQUID_VERSION} && \
    	sed -i.bak 's~${LIQUID_VERSION}~4.0.3~' ${LIQUID_VERSION_PATH} ; \

bundle-jekyll: fix-liquid
	ls -lh
	bundle exec jekyll build
	ls -lh


gem "jekyll", "~> 4.2.2"
gem "liquid", "4.0.3", path: ".liquid-v5.3.0"