
Class-dependent pickups for GZDoom

Primary LanguageZenScript

Class-depended pickups for GZDoom

© 2021-2023 Agent_Ash aka Jekyll Grim Payne


ZScript-based class-dependent pickups for GZDoom. The JGP_ClassDependentPickup class allows defining pickups that will look like different items and will give different items depending on the player's playerclass. It's compatible with multiplayer: the item will still look like and give different items to different players, but once one player picks it up, it'll disappear for everyone.

Includes two example player classes for demo purposes. They can be replaced with any other player classes.

How to use

You only need the base class defined in CDP_ZScript/cdp_base.zs. The cdp_examples.zs file contains example player classes and an example pickup that you don't need to copy into your own project.

Once you copied the JGP_ClassDependentPickup class defined in cdp_base.zs into your project (you may also want to find & replace "JGP" with a custom prefix), you can do one of the following:

  1. Create your own pickup based on the base class and use its ClassPairs argument to define the pairs of classes.

  2. Use the JGP_ClassDependentPickup.Create(pos, pairs) static function to spawn a custom pickup from anywhere. The pos argument determines the position to spawn, and the pairs argument functions the same way as the ClassPairs property.

Class pairs, whether defined through a property or a static function argument, uses the following syntax:

"FirstPlayerClass:FirstItemClass|SecondPlayerClass:SecondItemClass" and so on. So, place : between a playerclass name and an item name, and place | between each pair. There's no limit on the number of pairs.

Note that the player classes must be defined via the class name, not their displayname (for example, DoomPlayer is valid, Doom Marine is not).

License and permissions

This resource is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details. Short version: anyone can use it for any purpose, just copy my LICENSE.txt somewhere into your project.