
HudMessage for ZScript

Primary LanguageZenScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ZScript HudMessage by Agent_Ash


This library requires three components to function:

  1. JGP_HudMessageHandler class (handles the drawing)

  2. JGP_HudMessage (handles the message itself)

  3. MAPINFO (adds the handler)

How to use

To draw the hud message, call JGP_HudMessage.Create from anywhere in play context. Currently cannot be called in UI scope.

static JGP_HudMessage Create(string text, uint id = 0, name fontname = 'NewSmallFont', int fontColor = Font.CR_Red, vector2 pos = (160, 50), int alignment = ALIGN_LEFT, uint fadeInTime = 0, uint typeTime = 0, uint holdTime = 35, uint fadeOutTime = 0, vector2 scale = (1,1), PlayerInfo viewer = null)


  • text — the text to print. LANGUAGE references are supported.

  • id (default: 0) — the ID of the message. If non-zero, new messages will override older messages with the same ID.

  • fontname (default: 'NewSmallFont') — the name of the font to be used.

  • fontcolor (default: Font.CR_Red) — the color of the font (as defined in the Font struct).

  • pos (default: (160, 50)) — the position of the message in a virtual 320x200 grid. Note, this is virtual resolution, so (0, 0) corresponds to top left corner of the screen.

  • alignment (default: ALIGN_LEFT) — the alignment of the text relative to the pos.

    • JGP_HudMessage.ALIGN_CENTER — center alignment

    • JGP_HudMessage.ALIGN_LEFT — left alignment (default)

    • JGP_HudMessage.ALIGN_RIGHT — right alignment

  • fadeInTime (default: 0) — the time in tics it takes the message to fade in. If non-zero, holdTime will begin the countdown after the message has fully faded in.

  • typeTime (default: 0) — if non-zero, each character in the string will take this amount of time in tics to apear to imitate typing. If fadeInTime is non-zero, typing and fade-in will overlap, and holdTime will begin counting after whatever took longer (fade-in or typing) has finished.

  • holdTime (default: 35) — the time in tics the message will stay on the screen (fade-in, fade-out and type-out are added on top of this).

  • fadeOutTime (default: 0) — the time in tics the message will take to fade out before disappearing.

  • scale (default: (1, 1)) — the scale of the text as a vector2 value.

  • viewer (default: null) — a PlayerInfo pointer. If non-null, the message will only be visible to the specified player. Otherwise it'll be visible to everyone.


MIT License (see ZSHudmsg/LICENSE.txt).