Laboratory exercises from the course Deep Learning at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Academic Year 2020/2021.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Laboratorijske vježbe iz predmeta Duboko učenje (UniZG-FER, 2020./2021.)

Teme koje su obrađene u vježbama:

  • Lab 1 - Algoritam Backprop, potpuno povezani duboki modeli za klasifikaciju skupa podataka MNIST
  • Lab 2 - Konvolucijski modeli za klasifikaciju skupova podataka MNIST i CIFAR10
  • Lab 3 - Povratne modeli za analizu sentimenta skupa podataka SST

Laboratory exercises from the course Deep Learning (UniZG-FER, 2020/2021)

Topics covered in exercises:

  • Lab 1 - Backprop and Deep Neural Networks for classification of MNIST dataset
  • Lab 2 - Convolutional Neural Networks for classification of CIFAR10 & MNIST dataset
  • Lab 3 - Recurrent Neural Networks for sentiment analysis of SST dataset