Laboratory exercises from the course Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in 2020/2021

Primary LanguageC++

Laboratorijske vježbe iz predmeta Napredni algoritmi i strukture podataka (UniZG-FER, 2020./2021.)

Teme koje se obrađuju u labosima:

  • AVL stablo (dodavanje i brisanje čvorova)
  • Dinamičko programiranje (pronalazak optimalnog puta od (0, 0) do (N-1, M-1))
  • Primov algoritam za pronalazak najkraćeg raspinjajućeg stabla

Laboratory exercises from the course Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (UniZG-FER, 2020/2021)

Topics covered in the exercises:

  • AVL tree (insertion and deletion)
  • Dynamic programming (optimal path from (0, 0) to (N-1, M-1))
  • Prim's algorithm for the MST