Conversations App is a chat prototype. User has option to list all conversations, choose one and send a message.
Clone Github repo (or download zip):
$ git clone
Install packages:
$ cd conversations
$ npm install
To run application:
$ npm start
Deployed app to gh-pages, check it on - this link.
- React - using latest features - React Hooks
- Redux - state management
- Redux-Saga - middleware
- Styled Components - for styling I'm using JS styles & having simple ThemeProvider to showcase passing theme
- Ant Design - decided to use it in order to have design system already prepared
- date-fns - for time formatting instead of moment.js
- axios - HTTP client
- prettier - code styling & formatting
- Used create-react-app for project initialization
- Inside /src folder:
- /components - UI presentational components that are using passed data from parent & having it's state for form inputs only. Styling them with Styled Components
- /ducks - Redux Ducks is pattern for writing action types, action creators & reducer in more modular way which reduces boilerplate. Each data structure has it's own redux duck.
- /sagas - managing asynchronous stuff
- /screens - each screen has it's own folder, for example ConversationScreen, inside that we have container.js - which is connected to Redux, component which is receiving data from Redux and passing it to other components, and index.js for cleaner exporting
- /services - using axios to create API calls
- App.js - wrapped it with Provider from Redux, passed store & also wrapped it with ThemeProvider from Styled Components
- config.js - basic config (API url & theme)
- store.js - setup redux store & run sagas
- jsconfig.json - setup in order to have cleaner file paths from 'src'
- .prettierrc - basic prettier configuration