
The OS gem allows for some easy telling if you’re on windows or not. OS.windows? as well as some other helper utilities

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

The OS gem allows for some easy telling if you’re on windows or not.

  require 'os'

  >> OS.windows?
  => true   # or OS.doze?

  >> OS.bits
  => 32

  >> OS.java?
  => true # if you're running in jruby.  Also OS.jruby?

  >> OS.ruby_bin
  => "c:\ruby18\bin\ruby.exe" # or "/usr/local/bin/ruby" or what not

  >> OS.posix?
  => false # true for linux, os x, cygwin

  >> OS.mac? # or OS.osx? or OS.x?
  => false

  >> OS.dev_null
  => "NUL" # or "/dev/null" depending on which platform

  >> OS.rss_bytes
  => 12300033 # number of rss bytes this process is using currently.  Basically "total in memory footprint" (doesn't include RAM used by the process that's in swap/page file)

  >> puts OS.report
  ==> # a yaml report of helpful values
  arch: x86_64-darwin10.6.0
  target_os: darwin10.6.0
  target_vendor: apple
  target_cpu: x86_64
  target: x86_64-apple-darwin10.6.0
  host_os: darwin10.6.0
  host_vendor: apple
  host_cpu: i386
  host: i386-apple-darwin10.6.0
  RUBY_PLATFORM: x86_64-darwin10.6.0

 >> OS.cpu_count  
 => 2 # number of cores, doesn't include hyper-threaded cores.

>> OS.open_file_command
=> "start" # or open on mac, or xdg-open on linux (all designed to open a file)

>> OS::Underlying.windows?
=> true # true for cygwin or MRI, whereas OS.windows? is false for cygwin

>> OS::Underlying.bsd?
=> true # true for OS X

>> OS::Underlying.docker?
=> false # true if running inside a Docker container

If there are any other features you’d like, let me know, I’ll do what I can to add them :)

github.com/rdp/os for feedback et al

Related projects:


The reason Gem::Platform.local felt wrong to me is that it treated cygwin as windows--which for most build environments, is wrong.  Hence the creation of this gem.

the facets gem (has a class similar to rubygems, above)

require 'facets/platform'

the “platform” gem, itself (a different gem)



License: MIT (see LICENSE file)