
MVP for opening xarray datasets from cloud zarr stores in a single thread with asyncio loops

Primary LanguagePython

MVP for Async Zarr with Xarray


Opening zarr stores using fsspec is already very optimized because fsspec mappers utilizes a background thread that does all of the calls asynchronously. This is then wrapped in a synchronous function.

There remains a challenge however in trying to open multiple stores within an event loop. A user would need to spin up a threadpool and open/retrieve data in multiple threads. A general usecase for this would be an ASGI application (like FastAPI) that needs to serve requests to multiple concurrent virtual users.

Therefore, this solution offers a way to access stores with 0 context switching between threads and creates opening and reading zarr stores completely non-blocking when waiting on IO.

What was changed?

  • Introduced a new fsspec mapper that has async methods using the fsspec.asyn.AsyncFileSystem
  • changed zarr reading to be done with async functions in a very brittle monkeypatch way
  • added a backend entrypoint for xarray which reads the zarr store using async directly
  • added async _isel and _sel methods to xarray.Dataset to allow for non-blocking data filtering.


The purpose of this project is to spur discussion about how to allow datasets to be accessed with a minimal no context switches in an async framework There is already async functionality in the fsspec project by introducing the getitems method to mapper objects but this project takes it a step further and exposes an async API through the entire chain of fsspec-zarr-xarray.

This intentionally does not use dask because I'm not comfortable enough with dask to extend the needed dask.array components to make this project single-threaded.


import asyncio

import s3fs
import xarray as xr

from src.fsspec.mapping.mapper import AsyncFSMap
from src.xarray.backends.zarr import AsyncZarrBackendEntrypint

entry_point = AsyncZarrBackendEntrypint()

async def get_ds(path: str, fs) -> xr.Dataset:
    mapper = AsyncFSMap(path, fs)
    return await entry_point.open_dataset(mapper)

async def main():
    fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(asynchronous=True)
    ds = await get_ds("s3://<YOUR-CONSOLIDATED-ZARR-STORE>", fs)
    return await ds._sel(**coordinate_selectors)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ds = asyncio.run(main())